Lost the love

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When you lose the one you love most

will you just move on and forget?

Regret everything you have said

or will you fight even at life's cost?

When you lose the one you love most

are you to accept the fact that he's gone?

To never come back, like how fast he ran

or in the corner, will shed tears and weep at loss?

When you lose the one you love most

Will you change life itself

and recognize a different and stronger you?

Or will succumb and feel sorry for yourself?

When you lose the one you love most

would you try to create the perfect love?

And involve risks to find true happiness

or waste precious time waiting for your perfect lover?

When you lose the one you love most

would pray tonight, close your eyes

thanking you are able to rise?

Or would you put yourself to an end?

When you lose the one you love most

will you put all the blame on him?

For leaving you hanging on the rim

or will blame oneself for not being enough?

When you lose the one you love most

will you change course?

Or would you still dig deep to that shallow grave?

What would you do?

Try not to repeat my same mistakes...

I lost it.

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