The Choice

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** Chapter 1- Moving in**

"Are you sure you want to leave so soon? I mean you have plenty of time to do this. Why don't you just want to stay for college at least." My mother tries to convince me to stay in America. She's known I've been wanting to move to London ever since I was 13. Now that I have finally graduated high school and I'm old enough to live on my own, it's my time to go and experience life on my own.

The only thing is im not living in London, but I am living really close to it. I'm moving in to these apartments in a small town called Chigwell. It's only about 10ish miles away from London, which where my job as a waitress will be.

"Mom, everything is all dealt with already. Plus, I told you I am going to come back in year if I don't really like things. And this college thing, mom, we've talked about this a million times. I don't know what I want yet, I just need some time, alright? I love you mommy, everything is going to be alright! Now can we get going now, I really can't be late for my flight."


Once I get off my plane and into the lobby, I see a load of people holding signs with names on it. Finally my eyes land on my friend Ellie holding a sign with the name 'Alyssa Greene'. I run over to her and give her a giant hug.

"Ellie! I've missed you so much! How has London been to you?" I ask while straightening my shirt out.

"It's been expensive so I moved over a little to a town called Chigwell. But other than that it's been absolutely wonderful!" She says with a warm smile.

"You're kidding right? That's where my apartment is! But I work at this restraunt in London as a waitress. Well I guess we will be seeing a lot of eachother!" I say with excitment. "This may sound weird, but I feel like something amazing is going to happen here. Like I made the right choice coming here."

"Of course you did! Now come one, lets get you to your new apartment." She grabs a suitcase for me and we head to her car.


As I finish putting the last of my new dishes up in the kitchen there is a knock at my door. "Hola! Alright so I've given you more then enough time to unpack and get everything situated so now it's time for me to show you around London! Grab some money because we are going shopping and eating and blah blah blah! And ew, you are not wearing those sweats!" She walks in to my apartment and heads straight to my closet which I showed her when she first came by.

She throws a pair of red skinny jeans on my bed with a white tank top and a black blazer. "Where are you're shoes... Oh never mind I found them. Oh my god, Alyssa you own like no shoes we are going shoe shopping for sure now!" She takes out some black flats with a black bow on them and throws them on top of my clothes. "Put it on and hurry!!! I wanna go now!" I laugh and stick my tongue out at her.

Soon enough we are in the mall and expanding the amount of shoes I own. As we head to the food court I glance at the cutest dress that's light pink with black polka-dots and has spaghetti straps. "Whoa! Hold on, I need to try this on." A smile spreads across Ellie's face, "Why yes you absolutely do!" She grabs my hand and leads me into the store.

I grab size medium and find the changing room. As I look in the mirror and wince at the weird sight. My make-up smudged a bit and and my hair in need of a combing. I wipe underneath my eyes and brush through my hair with my fingers and put it into a pony tail. I slip into the dress and walk out to show Ellie.

"That's cute, but come here really quick." I follow where her eyes look and suddenly my stomach fills with butterflies and I panic a little. A few feet from me is 2 members from One Direction. Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. "Do they come here often?"Ellie nods and says, "Yeah it seems like everytime I'm here they are too, but usually not in the summer because of tours you know?"

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