Get me out of this Fairytale! a My House by 2pm fanfic (Completed)

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AN: I own nothing

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AN: I own nothing. Just my OC/Reader.

Yoooo fam! I just recently made a Wattpad account after discovering EXO last week and realising that all the good stuff written about Kpop are on this platform. 

I see now that this is where all the loyal fans are. 

BTW I love you guys. I wish I had more obsessed friends to fangirl with

I wrote this oneshot last month and posted it on the Fanfiction site under my other fanfic account Valerie Chavous after finding that there was very very little fanfiction written about this sexy Music Video by 2pm. I mean like come on! The visuals are so on point. 

Well hope you enjoy my attempt at writing. Leave a comment if you love the song too!


Normally you wouldn't consider yourself to be what they call a girly girl. But right at that moment you couldn't think of a better word to describe how you felt other than like a modern day Cinderella. You were currently enjoying yourself at a very grand ball which your friend had invited you to come to.

At first you had been hesitant because these sorts of events weren't really your thing, but then you had thought oh why not?

You were pretty glad you had accepted the offer as so far you had been having the time of your life. You had encountered a few snobby people here and there, but for the most part everyone else was positively magnificent. And the night had been, dare you say it, absolutely magical.

But there was only one catch.

You had to leave by midnight.

The story behind this was that in a last-minute attempt to find an appropriate outfit you had begged your rich cousin to borrow a dress, pair of shoes, and some jewellery. She was the only person you knew who shared the same size in clothes as you. Sadly for you, you two weren't really close and she wasn't the nicest person, so she had lent everything to you on the one condition that you bring it all back by 1am.

At the time you didn't question the absurdity of such a demand. You had no other options.

But it was alright. At least you didn't need to fork out a couple of thousand dollars just to look pretty for one night.

You had originally planned to leave much earlier, even though leaving at 12am would have been enough for the 1 hour trip back to your cousin's, but you had been having so much fun dancing, mingling and eating that by the time you had actually turned to look at the fancy grandfather clock the minute hand had just struck 12 indicating it was midnight.

You needed to make your escape NOW.

Take you home tonight

Take you home tonight ooh

Get me out of this Fairytale! a My House by 2pm fanficWhere stories live. Discover now