Chapter 2: I Fell Hard. Literally.

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Okay hey guys it's Katie here. Thanks for reading so far. I really hope you enjoy it. I am happy sixteen people read it, I thought no one would read it. Lol. But thanks I hope you enjoy this Harry and Kaitlin meet. <3. So tell your friends! Please like, comment, vote. Thanks <3. Katie. 



Wow, what a long plane ride. I am going to have some serious jet lag once I get to campus. But, that didn't matter I was in ENGLAND. Oh my gosh, I could die of happiness right now. England was so beautiful. I loved it here, everything seemed so perfect. Well I guess I should find my room and look around for a bit. Hmmm... What should I bring? I guess I will just bring my favorite bag with my wallet and phone and grab my map and go. Time to walk around my campus, my new home. It sounded weird to say. I guess I will get use to it. Time to explore! 


I turned into the parking lot of the campus. It was nice, and it seem secluded enough that hopefully no one here will know who I am or at least won't recognize me. But just in case I slid on my favorite sunglasses. I open my car's door and start to walk around and realize there are very few people around here, this is good. I must be early. Weird. As I head up the path a beautiful fountain catches my eye. I stop next to it to look at it. It is a couple holding hands with beautiful jets going everywhere. It was beautiful, maybe it will help me find someone. A toss in a coin, for luck! As I look up I see a girl wandering the campus looking very campus with a map in front of her face. As I'm about to talk to her she trips on the edge on the fountain. Right before she hits the water, my instincts kick in and I catch her romantic movie style. Her map had flew out of her hands to reveal her big blue eyes staring into my eyes. Her curls were softly tangled in my hands. At that moment I had a sudden impulse to kiss her but I didn't back. In what seemed like slow motion I just stared into her eyes, forgeting everything around me. I even forgot my name at first, but quickly remebered. 

I just said  "Hey, I'm Harry." She smiled. She had a great smile that made me crazy. I knew I would do anything just to make her smile. 

"Hello Harry." She said with a cute smile. She was American! Perfect, I love their accents. 

I realized she was still laying in my arms, so I helped her up. Leaving my hand gently on her side. 

 My charm came back to me as I said, 'Hey, you can't leave without telling me your name!" 

"Oh, it's Kaitlin." She simply said. 

"Kaitlin. I guess I will have to help you find your way since your map is drenched." I said. Wondering if she knew who I was. 

"I guess you will." She said smirking. 

"So where do you live?" I asked curiously. 

"Umm. Building B? Wait no . C? Yeah Building C." She said ending with a small laugh. 

"New here?" I asked. 

"Yes." She replied. 

"Me too. I will help you no worries!" I said taking off my sunglasses. To see if she recognized me. She didn't or at least didn't seem too, her expression seemed to stay the same. 

We left for Building C which happened to be the furthest away. We reached a bench and took a break from roaming the campus. 

"So how old are you?" I asked wanting to know more about the girl with the big blue eyes. 

"Seventeen." She said slightly timidly. 

"Aren't you a little young?" I asked. It was no wonder she seemed a little innocent. 

"Yeahh... Early scholarship." She said as if it was bad. She must be really smart. Nice. 

"Oh. That's awesome. I am eighteen." I said. Then I added  "Have you heard of One Direction?"

"Oh just a little." She said. Awesome, she really didn't know who I was. 

"Hmm.. Interesting." I said. 

"Come on Harry, we can't sit here forever. We have to find my room!" She said running off. I sat there for a little longer thinking about what I just heard. 

I then quickly got up and ran up to her grabbing her sides. She turned back quickly, our faces were really close. We both begin to lean in but all of a sudden she turns away. What? Did my breath stink? After all I was Harry Styles! Weird. I will kiss her. We continued walking till we finally reached building C into room 473. She opened the door. She looked so happy, it made me happy.

She ran to the bed and sat down. She pat next to the bed indicating for me to sit next to her. How could I resist? She leaned back and layed dowm, so did I. We just layed there enjoying being with each other. It was great. This girl already stole my heart.

"Do you need help with getting your stuff to your room?" She asked. How sweet. 

"Hmm, I guess. It might be heavy. " I said. 

"I think I can handle it." She said. 

After about two hours everything was in my room. We were exhausted! Kaitlin layed on my bed saying "I don't think I'm going to be able to get up!" Then she giggled that laugh I love. 

"I guess I'll just join you!" I said laying next to her on my twin bottom bunk. There wasn't much room on the bed so we were very close, our sides were touching. I loved it. 

She turned over to me and looked into my eyes. It seemed as if she was staring right into my soul. "I can't believe I am here with you right now." She said leaning her head on my chest. 

"With me? What's so special?" I asked looking down at her.

 "Oh, nothing,"  she said with a far away look in her eyes. It made me wonder if she really did know who I was. Nahh.. I wrapped my arm around her. We layed there for a while just looking at each other. It started to get late. She checked her phone saying "It was getting late."

"I guess it is" I said not wanting her to leave. She got up walking to the door. "But wait! You can't go out their alone you might get lost! And it's dark." I said. 

"Well then I guess you'll have to come." She said tossing her head of curls. And walking out the door and I followed. 

When we got to her room she opened the door. I said goodbye and gave her a hug wanting to kiss her but not wanting to go to far. 

"Good night Harry!" She said smiling. "Will I see you tomorrow?" She added. 

"You might." I said to leave her hanging. 

Kaitlin Diary Entry: 

Dear Diary, 

OH MY GOD. I met Harry Styles today! THE Harry Styles from One Direction! I was freaking out on the inside but somehow managed not to on the inside. I don't think he even realized I knew he was Harry Styles. He is amazing, he is perfect. He definetly has stole my heart! This is crazy. I have fallen so hard. I hope I get to see him tomorrow! I hung out with him all of today. We joked, laughed, and talked. I couldn't believe how easy it was to be with him. It felt so perfect. He almost kissed me but I turned away. I don't know what my problem is! He is Harry Styles after all. He hugged me good night. It was the best hug I had ever had. I wish I never had to let go. It's 11:11. Make a wish Kaitlin. I wish I will get to see Harry tomorrow. Sighhh... It's late I'm tired from all this jet lag. Good night.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2012 ⏰

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