Ch 11. Its a drag

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Ponyboy POV

Today's the day. If I don't do it now, Ill never do it. I look at Two-bit, who looks cool as ice compared to me probably.
"You been waitin' for the hickeys to fade before you told her?" Two asked.
"Yeah," I lied, "Took the weekend for 'em to go away"
I never told Cherry Valence how I felt about her because I'm way out of her league. I'm 14 year-old book-smart greaser on track. But I wouldn't be going to tell her now if I didn't think I have a slight chance. She opens up to me. She's nice to me. She said I'm not like other boys. Maybe she's in love with me the same way I'm in love with her. Hell, maybe Marcia's in love with Two-but too, anything's possible I guess. I've seen the way Bob treats her, and I don't think she loves him. That means I've got a chance.
Two-bit casually approached Marcia and Cherry after school got out, hitting on Marcia in his usual way and joking around with her.
Who the hell is he with anyway? Two doesn't seem like the cheating type, but is Kathy even his girlfriend? Would he still go out with her if Marcia let him take her out? Wait, focus, Ponyboy! Not your problem, butt out!
"Hey, Ponyboy!" Cherry smiled at me with shiny teeth, sparkling lip gloss, and a pretty look.
"Hey!..." I looked away. I know staring at girls kinda creeps them out, but I have no clue how long you're supposed to look at a girl before it's weird.
"What's a little guy like you doing with Two-bit Matthews after school? Shouldn't you be running on home to do your homework so you can rub it in his face when you get a good grade?" she laughed.
She's never nice to me like this during school hours. That hurts, but I get it. Whatever.
"Actually, I gotta tell you something, Cherry... I-uh... I th-think I'm in love with you..."
Of course I do. It's no secret. I'm blushing, my heart is racing, I'm hoping with every ounce of body that she loves me too.
"Oh... Gosh, Ponyboy, I... I'm real flattered..."
Tears swell in my eyes. This isn't happening.
"Please don't say that..." I whispered.
She didn't hear me, she gives me a questioning look but says nothing about it.
"Hey, its... It's not you, it's me! You're a great guy, Ponyboy, I just... I love Bob, you know?"
"He treats you like dirt, Cherry! I know you don't like him drinking, and I don't drink. Besides, I know you look at other guys!"
"Ponyboy, please quiet down," she put a hand on my shoulder. Her pretty hand, warm and thin.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Bob is such a bad boyfriend and you're with him anyway. I'm sorry you look at Dally like you love him and you don't even know he's gay. I'm sorry I thought you'd love me back even though I'm just a greaser. Fuck..."
I buried my head in my hands and tried not to cry. I hate crying in front of people, it makes me look weak. I think Johnny's the same way, but he's probably just a lot tougher than me and he just doesn't cry around people as much as I would.
I have to apologize. Like, actually apologize. I yelled at her and I look pathetic. I might have terrified her. I took my head out of my hands and looked up say something, anything, but she's gone. Maria and Cherry left. Two-bit is standing several feet in front of me and smoking. He looks like he's trying not to look at me.

Johnny POV

Pony wasn't waiting in the usual spot outside schol, so I waited for a few minutes.
5 minutes after school and he's not here.
I walk outside the gate, light a cigarette, and wait.
Nobody is waiting outside for us, besides Kathy leaning against Two-bit's car in the lot.
Finally I see Two approaching the gate and Pony following slowly behind.
"Wo-ah! Where you been baby!" Two-bit hollered when he saw Kathy by his car.
Ponyboy came out the gate with an awful look on his face, but he looked at me and picked up his pace. He hurried to my side and I got a better look at him. Barely visible hickeys, red glossy eyes, and the fakest smile I've ever seen.
"Everything okay?" I asked, "You don't look so hot, man."
He shook his head dismissively, "Just, ya know, Cherry... Hey, I don't care though."
After months of never shutting up about Cherry Valence, he finally told her how he felt. He must be crushed...
"Oh, shit, Pony... That sucks, I'm sorry. Look, if you ever wanna talk-"
He quickly cut me off, "Actually no, I don't wanna talk, Johnny," he snapped.
I quickly apologized and he moved close to me.
My face went red. He's holding the sleeves of my coat in a tight grip. I trailed my hands down to his waist and held them there, looking up at his eyes and biting my lip. A few strands of hair that weren't greased back fall loosely over his eyes. He closed the gap between us, crashing his lips into mine.
At this point I know it.
I'm a rebound.
He's doing this out of pain. Not out of love, not even out of lust.
Shut up. I don't care. I love this boy and he's kissing me. So I don't care. It still hurts, I'll just ignore it.
I separated us for a second, mumbling, "Pony, we're in public. What if... What if Dal sees us or something?"
His voice was hushed and faintly irritated, "You said you wanted him to break up with you. Hickeys didn't work, Johnny, we have to do more. I'm doing this for you."
That's a lie. He's doing this for himself.
"Wait, Pony... You're 14, what're you talking about?"
But I bet his hair smells like flowers and sunsets and berries. I bet that's what love smells like. Not winter, not rain, not fire. This is real. I can feel his tears against my cheeks.
He tugged on the collar of my denim coat, trying to press me impossibly closer to him, deep into a hard and passionate kiss. This is the most amazing feeling I've felt in a really long time, and that makes me sick.
We rushed to his house, which was empty besides my boyfriend passed out on the couch. I know we both saw him there, but we both also tried to act like we didn't. He pulled me into his room and locked his door, then immediately he had me pinned down on his bed.
Again I remembered the elephant in the room. I'm not going to be the one that gets his ass beat by Darry when he finds out Pony lost his virginity at 14.
"M... Maybe we should just kiss, huh?" I nodded to him.
"What? What're you saying, that I-I'm too young for this?!" He raised his voice, clearly even more frustrated now, "I'm not mature enough?!"
"You're just not ready, man! Besides, I don't think it's easy to pretend sex with a guy is sex with a girl, ya know," I chuckled.
He kept running his hand throw his hair, hurrying his head in this hands, leaning back and groaning, wiping his eyes and then crying more, all of it. He doesn't look like Pony when he's all stressed out like that. For about an hour we were just making out, giving hickeys, touching and sitting around while he cried and pretended like he wasn't. I just lit a cigarette and pat his bare back. How the hell do you comfort somebody in this kind of situation?

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