Chapter. 1

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Kagome's POV

«Kagome! Wait up!» I heard Hojo shout after me. I turned around and smiled kindly at him.

«Hi, Hojo!» I answerd him as he stopped in front of me. His excited look spread over his entire body.

«I have something for you! It seems to be helping since you haven't been sick the last months.» He reached his hand out and gave me a little, green bag. He's right. I haven't been ''sick'' the last months, 'cause Gramps doesn't have to come up with excuses anymore for me not to go to school. Because I am not able to return to the other era anymore. To Inuyasha.

After we defeated Naraku, and destroyed the Sacred Jewel for good, the Bone-eaters well dissapeared. Since then, I haven't seen anyone in feudal Japan. Not Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kilala. And not Inuyasha. Oh, Inuyasha.

«Ehm, Kagome?» Hojo suddenly said, and I got ripped out of my thoughts.

«Oh, yes of course! Thanks, Hojo! For the...medicine...» I smiled at him once more. Then I looked down at the little bag. I opened it, and saw a tail-looking...thing.

«You are very welcome! It's a piece of a dried snakes-tail. My grandfather slayed it himself! Then my grandmother put it in a mix of hot cockroach-tea and nettle-stilks for three days.» ...I blinked my eyes a few times.

«Thank you, Hojo...I will make sure to use it! Hehehe...» I said with closed eyes and an akward smile on my face. I waved my hand up and down to ensure him that I am not lying.

He then turned around and smiled a bright smile at me. «Goodbye, Kagome! I'll see you tomorrow!» I smiled awkwardly back, still my eyes closed, before turning toward the way that leads home.


«I'm home!!» I shouted throughout the house as I closed the door behind me.

«Welcome home, Kagome.» Mum said as she stepped out of the kitchen.

«Hi, Kagome! How was your day?» Sota said whilst running down the stairs.

«It was just fine, Sota. Thank you!» I answerd and smiled at him, before smiling at mum.

«Do you know what? I drew a picture! It is Inuyasha as he does the Iron-reaver-soul-stealer. We haven't seen him in quite a while, I kinda missed him.» Sota burst out, and shoving a cute picture of Inuyasha in my face.
«Do you like it?» He asked in excitement, but I didn't answer. I looked at the picture closely. And even if it was a bad drawing of Inuyasha, it still looked a little like him. Memories started flowing into me. The closer and longer I looked at it, the more I remembered.

«Come on now, Sota. Help me with dinner, would you?» Mum said and dragged Sota with her into the kitchen again.

«Okay!» And they both went into the kitchen. Mum quickly turned her head around towards me, and gave me a compassionate and loving smile. As if she was trying to ask if I was okay. And the truth was, yes! I was okay! I had learned to live this life again. And even though there wasn't a day where I didn't think of Inuyasha, I knew that he'd always be with me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. As I exhaled I realised I had homework. A lot of homework. I thought to myself; better get to it! I slumbered all they way up to my room, slammedk the science-books on my desk, and sat down on my chair.

«Okay! There's a big test this week, Kagome!! You are going to study hard and get a perfect score on it! Let's go, you can do it!» I motivated myself. My eyebrows were arched the whole time and I clapped my hands together to symbolize that I am ready to get started!


«Kagome, dear? Aren't you tired? You should get some sleep.» I heard mum say. I threw a quick look over to my little pink clock on my nightstand, and almost jumped when I saw what time it was.

I'm sure I let out a little sqeak and twitched a little as I saw that it was 11:42 pm, and that I had been studying for over four hours.
I let out a frustrating sigh, and dumped my head on the desk.

«Ohh, I am going to be so tired tomorrow...and I can't even remember a thing I just read...»
That's it for the first chapter of this Inuyasha continuation! I hope you liked it! I know it is not that funny and exciting yet, but we gotta start somewhere, right?😂 If you don't relate to any of charachters actions, I feel ya'! No one can do it as good as Rumiko Takahashi, and I think it is a lot harder to write about something, if you don't see it with your own eyes...

Sorry for any grammar-mistakes, I'm not from an english-speaking country, but I'll do my very best!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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