You took my hot fries...

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"I know they say you shouldn't become a disease or disorder you have but what do you do when it becomes your whole life? It's at every corner you turn. When you're left with no direction or no way to go? It means you choose the option to save yourself."


It is January 2016. The new year just rang in. New resolutions is supposed to happen, right? Usually it's weight loss, more time with family, work harder, save more money....

For me, it was NO MORE SPICY FOODS.

Anyone that knows me knows that spicy foods are my thing. If it comes in some sort of spicy flavor I am all over it. I even drink the mild taco sauce from the pack sometimes. Me and Andy Capp Hot Fries should get married because I ate a bag of those almost everyday without even needing a drink of water. Those and pickles were my favorite food in the world. Now, me and this new resolution is a thing now. Do not stray from the path! I had to keep telling myself. 

When it comes to digestive disorders its like an unspoken word that spicy foods can only happen in small duration. Even though doctors reminds us it's already common sense really. I needed to feel better and if giving up my spicy food was a way to get there I was going to do it. Little did I know it wasn't going to be that easy. 

**That new year's resolution was made 889 days ago. I have not had a hot fry since. I'm not sure if I should be congratulating myself or be sad about that. My Gastroparesis and IBS  is probably saying congratulate yourself but my mind is probably thinking of how much a bag of those would taste so good no matter the consequences. However, every time the consequence of vomiting for hours always wins me over. 

I am Gastroparesis.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin