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Gods supreme beings with life and death at their very hands.
They are thought to be able to make and create at a whim by mere thought they can create a universe with laws and physics all their own. By mere thought they create or destroy to build wonderful things or tear it all apart again.

They are fickle, POWERFULL and bored.

More numerous than we can imagine doing their thing guiding life or destroying life.

Throughout all the realities, planes, lands, universes, and whatever else is out there that cannot be thought of found or imagined. They live and do things this way again and again for as long as they exist.

Mortal's like us only dream of an impossible way of making ourselves gods we pray to them, praise them, build, destroy and search for answers in their name or wish to join them when we end our short lives. Some don’t believe in them some fight against them but in the end we live and die based upon our life and its interactions with everything around us.

This is what life is to shine brighter than a god if just for a little while.
No matter how long we live be it a hundred or thousands of years we all die yet gods are immortal in the truest sense. They see worlds made, make life form and die they build it up and destroy it all on a whim.

But sometimes they finally grow tired of eternity and look for a way to remove themselves from it or distract themselves from eternity.

This is where our tale starts on an endless world found by the gods that none created and yet it still exists. A world they all came together to populate based on their own worlds each adding a piece claiming a part of the world all competing with and against each other to be on top.

However this world had one thing others did not that the gods later built into some of their worlds. Something new and fascinating that brought new life into the god’s. A new interest and wonder that they had not felt since ages past.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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