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1. Macy: a girl with waist length red curly hair with big hazel eyes. She is 17 and is a bookworm and a "geek" with her glasses and the need for getting good grades... being a bullies first pick will people care if she goes missing?

2. Ryder: Mr.Popular who is 18, dark brown hair, tan skin, muscular, class president and he also has a nice car and with the rich parents and is a jock on the football and baseball team. But when he screws up some plays in the first football game. Then would anyone notice if he went missing?

3. Scout: a girl who is bad ass and pissed off. She has waist long straight raven hair and grey eyes. She is known for being sassy ad being someone no one wants to mess with. What would happen if she goes missing?

4. Luke: a boy who has rumors spread around about his family and his life. He uses it to his advantage however in being known as the bad boy in the place known as hell on earth. (if you get my little joke there) What if he went missing out of no where?

5. Kendall: a girl who is not your typical stereotype of a blonde who looks like a tumblr girl. She is the one you would go to for advice in some sketchy situations and she isn't into being prom queen or being a straight A student. She would much rather penny board around and stay unnoticed. But what happens when she goes missing?

6. Hunter: a boy who you would find funny and attractive in a geeky sort of way. He is social with everyone and a class clown with dark brown hair and the charasmatic arura he gives off he is a fun guy to be around. what would the school do if their fun loving, class clown went missing?


So thats the intro hope you like it chaper 1 is coming soon. (everyone is 18 excpet Macy)

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