Gotta Go

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"SO YOU GONNNA KILL ME WILLY AFTER EVERY FUCKING THING" Trey scream as he was tied up to the chair

He had a bloody noise and his lip was bleeding

"Don't do this Trey I gave you many choices and you didn't listen" Willy say cleaning her gun

"How you gonna tell Trayvon that you killed his older brother the only person who took care of him" he say running out of breath

"That his brother was a fucking back stabbing bitch" Willy say before pulling the trigger

72 hours earlier....

Month earlier...

Willy has been left the hotel she was done with that sad shit she didn't like it she didn't like how she was feeling

She was out riding around watching everybody

She was mainly looking for a house

You wouldn't believe who was with her

Grayson was with her

"Look nigga don't touch my shit" Willy say looking at him

He kept touching her radio and the air

"Sorry" he say rolling his eyes

She was with Grayson because even tho she hate him he is a good business partner

And plus Ethan was working and she needed someone to come with her to work

If she was Ethan she would have got distracted

So she figured why not go with his ugly ass (I'm sorry but Willy don't disrespect my mans me and her will have to fight don't call him ugly)

"If you trying to find some houses on a hill you gonna have to go somewhere over there not this area" Grayson say looking at her

"I know dumbass I'm just looking around making sure my people doing there job" she say rolling her eyes

"Bitch don't disrespect me" he say grabbing her arm

"I been trying to be nice to your stupid ass but you keep testing me I don't give a fuck if you are a girl I will punch you" he say squeezing the life out her arm

She punch him in his face so hard

His nose started bleeding

"You dumb bitch don't you ever put your hands on me I don't a give fuck if you are a boy I will kill you dafuq now sit yo simple ass back before I make you my bitch oh wait you already are dumbass" she say looking at him

"Stop the car" he say holding his nose

She stops the car in the middle of the street

"Get out nigga walk your ass to wherever you gotta go" she say looking at him unlocking the door

He look over at her

"you gonna get out" she say looking at him

He was gonna get out the car

He closes the door and grab some napkins out her glove department

"Clean that shit up and shut tha fuck up or I will punch you in your eye stupidass" she say the last part under her breath putting the car in drive

She was done driving around so she finally went up to the hills looking for a big house on the hills

"That one is nice what you think" Willy say looking at Grayson

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