The Curious Case of Benjamin Bunge

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There once was a man named Benjamin Bunge. He was really smart, and all sorts of people came to him with their problems. One of these people was Wobble-leg Wenda, who liked the idea of skiing but was woefully bad at it.

“Try bungee jumping instead,” offered Benjamin Bunge. “Anyone can go bungee jumping.”

So she did, and it was lots of fun.

A few days later, Benjamin Bunge met Sweaty-hands Saul, who figured he was pretty good at basketball...until he got kicked off the team.

“Why not try bungee jumping?” As Benjamin Bunge pointed out, “Anyone can go bungee jumping.”

So he did, and it was lots of fun.

A few days after that, Benjamin Bunge bumped into Warty Wilfred, whose modelling career just didn’t seem to be taking off for some reason.

“Maybe bungee jumping would make you feel better about it?” suggested Benjamin. “Anyone can go bungee jumping.”

So he did, and it was lots of fun.

It was about a week before Benjamin Bunge met anyone else in need of help. But then there was a knock on the door, and standing there on the welcome mat was Eyebrows Elaine.

“I hear you help a lot of people out.”

“Let me guess,” said Benjamin Bunge. “Ridiculously massive eyebrows getting in the way of your career as a photographer? Fancy doing something different for a while?”

“Actually,” she said, parting her eyebrows to reveal a police uniform, “I’m investigating the recent death of Scissorfeet Steve...”

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