I'll Be Your Disney Prince

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Chapter 3: I'll be your Disney Prince

“That movie was amazing. I never would've guessed what Maleficent's life was really like,” I said as we walked out toward his car, our hands clasped tightly together.

“Definitely an eye opener. I'd give it a seven out of ten,” he replied, clicking the unlock button on his dark blue 07' Mustang.

“Fair enough. I feel like Disney is backing away from romantic love and trying to emphasize the power of familial love, even in two people who aren't technically related, in Maleficent and Aurora's case. Because regardless of what form love takes—”

“True love will always be true love. Wise words coming from the mouth of a teenage girl,” he interrupted, laughing as held the door open for me to step inside. And they say chivalry is dead.

“Well, when you have to grow up as quickly as I did, you mature really fast. Plus, Maleficent's love for Aurora reflects my own parents' love for me, since I'm adopted.”

Most people know the story of my adoption, Jack included, because I'm so open about it. It was even apart of my valedictorian speech. My biological mother got pregnant at the age of nineteen, and hid me the entire time she was carrying me. Not even her sisters knew about me. My biological dad was only seventeen at the time, and still in school, so her options were very limited and fairly bleak.

My adoptive parents had just gone through another miscarriage when I came along, three weeks before schedule, yet healthier than a lot of infants carried to full term. There were many complications, as my birth mother had little to no prenatal care, and she was lucky to live through childbirth. Once I was born, there was no question about her decision to adopt me out.

All she needed were two willing, loving parents.

Both her sisters offered to take me; even the nurse was willing to adopt me after seeing me. But my biological mother knew I belonged with Terri and Josh, my adoptive parents, whom she worked for at the time. They got the phone call the night of Terri's birthday, and I lived with them from then on.

“You know, you have a point there,” he answered, a smirk plastered on his round face. “But I highly doubt your adoptive mom cursed you as a baby because she had a grudge against your birth parents.”

I laughed. “Obviously, or I'd probably still be snoring away. I didn't have a Prince Phillip chomping at the bits to save me when I was sixteen.” In truth, River was one of two boyfriends I'd had in my entire life, and both were during my senior year of high school.

The smirk fell, replaced by an expression of deep sincerity. “I'll be your Prince Phillip. But this time I'd make sure my true love's kiss would work.”

All I could do was smile at him the rest of the way home.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Are you serious!?” Kaitlynne exclaimed over the telephone receiver as I explained in detail the events of my day. I'd called her as soon as I'd gotten home, and started a three-way with my distant cousin and soon-to-be roommate Kimberleigh Thatcher. “Saria! I think that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!”

Her screaming was starting to make my ears go numb, and I'm sure Kimmie was feeling the same way. However, I was too happy to care at that point.

“I told you the movie was great, didn't I?” Kimmie added. She was also really excited, but she was far better at containing it than Kaitlynne was. Kimmie worked at Cullman's theater, so I got to see her before we went to watch the movie. I had a feeling her excitement would bubble up after I let Kaitlynne go.

“It was a really good movie! I didn't see the ending coming either. Way better than the Disney cartoon. Even though that one's still a classic.”

Kaitlynne was still squealing on the other line. “My OTP has finally happened, Saria. You don't know how happy this makes me!”

“Oh, trust me, I have a feeling...” I muttered. “Anyways, Kaitlynne, I need to talk to Kimmie for a sec. Okay if I call you back later?”

“Of course! I was about to go to sleep anyways, so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?”

“Okay.” The line went dead on her end.

“Loving the TFIOS reference there, Saria,” Kimmie said, laughing.

The Fault in our Stars was one of our favorite books, so it only made sense that Kaitlynne and I started to say goodbye like that every time we let each other go. “'Some infinities are bigger than other infinities,'” I told her, quoting John Green. “And I'm happy my infinity is linked to so many amazing people.”

“Oh, stop, you're making me blush!” she exclaimed. “So anyways, what were you wanting to talk to me about?”

“Well, I needed to ask if you'd like to ride with me to SOAR Tuesday,” I said, quickly changing the subject.

SOAR was our college orientation. It was an overnight event held to give the girls a feel of what campus life was like. Justinian, our college of choice, was the only school left in the state that was exclusively for young women, and once I found out about it, there was never a question as to whether it was right for me. The moment I stepped on campus, I knew. It was only by fate that Kimmie also decided to attend there in the fall, the very week of my graduation, no less.

“That would be great actually, considering that Mom's been having to borrow my car since the battery in hers died,” she answered. “But I'm pretty sure that's not why you let Kaitlynne go. What's going on?”

“Well, it's just... I'm not sure how my parents are going to take me dating a twenty-six-year-old. Kaitlynne's all for it, and I know you are too, but... I needed a second opinion. She's already told me she thinks my parents will be fine with it, but she doesn't know them very well. You really don't either, but every little bit of insight helps.”

“Oh, I understand completely. If it's any consolation, my mom was okay with me dating a twenty-three-year-old when I was seventeen. So if your parents are anything like that, I'm sure it'll be just fine,” she told me, easing my mind a bit.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “That does make me feel some better.”

My phone vibrated.

Make it home safe?:) flashed across the screen, from none other than the twenty-six-year-old himself. I immediately sent a reply.

As always, Sir Phillip. ^_~

“Speaking of him, he just texted me to see if I'd made it home safely,” I explained to her as I waited for him to answer.

That's Prince Phillip to you. ;)

“What a doll. I'm telling you, Saria, I'd say this one's a keeper!” she exclaimed, and I smiled.

Honestly, I thought so too.

A/N: Another chapter up and going! I hope you enjoyed, and I simply thought I'd add that the adoption story really is the story of my own birth and life. :) SO there's your interesting tidbit for the day. ^_^

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