Silver Sun

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The Shy Silver sky began forming clouds,

The small wisps becoming billowing crowds,

And Thunder, the hounds, they began to sound.

They chased the pair down in drops to the ground.

The drops collected until they were streams,

Then to rivers and oceans- two torn at the seams.

Shy flowed down one path and Silver another,

It seemed like the pair were no longer each other.

Still they rushed further and further a part,

And Silver searched for a forge to start.

But the forges were hidden, locked up and closed,

And most were perhaps too far overexposed.

No forge was found, no, but Silver found Sun,

So radiant, that immediate forging had begun.

But after six days of contentment and bliss,

Sun had felt about her something amiss.

Sun fled for the moon, leaving Silver to simmer 

All alone as the sky became dimmer and dimmer.

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