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Every morning after these blessed last nights, you will see statuses accompanied by pictures of beautiful nature that read like: “Im sure laylatul Qadr was last night, did you see the sun last night”, “The beautiful light rain today makes me so sure”, “Ive never felt the tranquility that I felt last night”, etc.

While it’s awesome that people are looking for it, one thing you don’t want to happen is to think that laylatul qadr has already happened on the 21st night and slack off with the last 9! So again, the only way to make sure you catch laylatul qadr is by witnessing all of the nights in worship.

But that’s not what this resolution is about. I particularly want to focus on that “feeling” that people have of tranquility that makes them so sure that the previous night was laylatul qadr. That feeling is not necessarily laylatul qadr. That feeling is the epic feeling of qiyamul layl (the night prayer) which is possible to attain throughout the year. That is the feeling of conversing with the Lord of the worlds while others sleep. That is the nightly effect of the Lord of all the worlds descending during the last third of the night in a way that befits His majesty, and inviting the caller to a special conversation.

My point is that when you seclude yourself in worship during the night and call upon your Lord in love, hope, and fear, you WILL get that “feeling” no matter what night it is. So my suggestion is to choose any night of every month, or any night of the week, or once every 3 nights, etc., create that 27th night type of environment and excitement in your home, and I guarantee you’ll feel that amazing tranquility every time!

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