Chapter 1 : A Bet

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A/n : well here we are after 63 days and over 15k views later the first chapter of the next season i guess you could call it before we start i just have to say thank you i cant believe the last book got over 15k views it just blows my mind even to this day I'm still shocked so thank you and i hope you all enjoy the second season like the first one....

Y/n p.o.v

After kicking the flaming turkey's ass along with his dad serafall came and confessed that she had feelings for me after returning those feelings we shared a kiss after we stopped i asked her to be mine and she said yes just then we heard giggling and laughing we both turned to see rias and her peerage, serafall mum and dad, sona along with her queen, and the rest of the devil Satan's all with smirks as i held on to serafall i pulled one of my guns out and aimed at the they all ran before i could shoot them

Serafall : you're so mean hehehe   

Y/n : well a dragon protects his treasure 

present day

i wake up to a beautiful sight it was serafall asleep beside me she looked so peaceful i wont lie I'm glad i have her just then she wakes up and looks at me with her pink eyes i could spread all day looking at them then she spoke up

Serafall : morning honey

Y/n : morning beautiful*kisses her*sleep well

Serafall : the best sleep I've ever had but you know i have to go back to my devil duties 

Y/n : yeah i know its a shame but cant be helped well i guess we better get up then

she nods and we both get dressed and head in to a giant hall where we seen rias and her peerage along with Sirzechs and his mum and dad as well they all turn to us and smile aprat from Sirzechs who is smirking 

Sirzechs : hello Y/n and serafall did you have a good night 

serafall blushed and looked down smiling then i spoke up

Y/n : oh the best sleep i have ever had 

just then everyone giggles and laughs apart from Issei who is staring at serafall with a perverted grin on his face 

Y/n : Issei 

he then snaps out of it and looks at me 

Issei : hey Y/n what's up

Y/n : oh nothing i just wanted to tell you something 

Issei : what's that 


just then my dragon armour formed around me everyone closed their eyes cause of the light i was giving off when the light was gone i was standing in front of Issei with my sword and his neck

Y/n : Issei if i see you look at serafall like that again what i did to the flaming turkey will be nothing compared to what ill so to you understand

he nods in fear and everyone else finds this funny even koneko is smiling at this i then unsummon my armour and take a set beside serafall as we began eating after a bit rias saya something

Rias : Y/n can i ask you something

Y/n : what's that   

Rias : why didn't you tell us you were a dragon god 

this got everyone to look at me 

Y/n : you see the truth is yes I'm a dragon god well in my armour i am you see if you toke everyone in all 3 faction and combined them into the one being you still would be weaker than me in that armour 

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