Chapter Seventeen ~ Lake of Ice

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Morana stood - an air of confidence about her - before the seven Darklings. Their misted forms of black mass with glowing, red eyes loomed before her in a line. The largest one, positioned in the center, pointed a long vaporous finger at her accusingly, "Do not forget the real reason behind the human being here. I did not give him to you so that you would allow yourself to be manipulated by the very repulsive instincts of the heart. He is here for one reason and one reason only and that is to corrupt his very mind, twist it and tear his fabrics of reality until he is a chaotic shell of a mortal. Brainwash him, just as you did to the sins. Manipulate him until he is a mindless servant. He is essential to the downfall of the Soul Bound." The Darkling's voice was rough, scratchy and dark. His red shifting eyes bore into hers, "You are strong Morana Lockwood, and this is why we chose you. However, do not think you are irreplaceable."

Her eyes fell to the icy floor beneath her heels, her cool façade cracking, "I have done everything you've asked of me."

"You have allowed yourself to fall in love!" He shouted, his voice booming, shaking the very crystals of ice that surrounded them, causing her to flinch, "And with a mortal no less, it's abominable. Freeze that heart of yours before you do something foolish and force us to take action. I promise you, it will not be a pretty sight." He reached out, pinching her jaw between his thumb and index finger. Cool pain like needles pricked at her skin where he touched and quickly turned into a burning sensation. Her skin sizzled under his acidic touch and she let out a cry of agony, "Remember why we chose you. Remember that night in the purgatories of Hell when we came to you. You were a frightened little girl, cowering in the corners with fear in your eyes. We gave you strength, gave you a purpose, gave you power!" He sneered, his hellish eyes ominous, "All we asked in return is that you destroyed the Soul Bound," His voice suddenly softened, his unsolidified form shrouded in darkness, "For your brothers, to protect them." He released his grip on her, revealing two angry burns in the shapes of his fingers on her cheeks.

Her hand flew up to the side of her face and she nodded, "For my brothers." She repeated, her voice scarcely more than a whisper.

"We wait. The Soul Bound will come and she will find the blade for us, but for now we wait. Be patient, strengthen your sins and manipulate your human," A wicked grin grew over his smoky features, "Down falls the kingdom."


A silence had consumed us as I turned to face them, biting my lower lip. I sighed and they continued staring at me, "You guys talk really loud. How could I not listen?" I shrugged, trying to feign indifference, but inside I was truthfully an emotional jumble.

Illius stood, coolly turning away from me, "Dawn is approaching. Vampires burn in the sunlight so we'll take advantage of that. Warlock, how much further to the Lake of Ice?"

"Actually," Killian gave me a lopsided grin and stepped through the snow, pushing past thick branches of pine trees, the needles getting stuck in the folds of his cloak. We followed after, I ducked under a branch and moved to stand beside the warlock who had come to a stop at the edge of a cliff, "That's the Lake of Ice," He pointed and my eyes followed his finger.

A waterfall far off to my left rushed down hundreds of feet, pummeling into a lake that stretched out for what seemed like forever. Chunks of ice floated on its surface, running into icebergs that pointed up sharply through the freezing waters. In the very distance, the tops peaking through low hanging clouds, stood mountains. A bitterly cold wind blew across my face causing my eyes to water.

"We have to get over that?" I stood in disbelief, wondering how we could accomplish such an impossible feat and then it hit me, "We could fly over it." I looked back to Illius and West who looked dejected.

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now