nothing between us.

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Shawn's POV

I drove up to Ariana's house, wondering what to assist her for today. She's made a huge come back with her new single, No Tears Left to Cry.

She was super sweet enough to score two tickets for me and Nick to where she'll perform her newest hit at the Billboard Music Awards.

I wanted to gift Nick more than just some fancy dinner.

I couldn't wait to see other huge stars such as Camila Cabello, Normani, Taylor Swift, and rising K-Pop stars, BTS.

This is going to be the best anniversary ever.

Nick's POV

"Karla! I--uhmm... How are you doing?" I tried playing it cool, as I did not have much time to fix myself up. My zipper was down, neck hickeys clearly visible, and my hair was still a mess.

(A/N: Think of Karla as in the girl who was watching the telenovela from Camila's music video for Havana, but a different person.)

She peered past my shoulder and saw Chloe sitting on my desk, on her phone.

"Uhmm-- what's going on here?" My heart started beating. She noticed both of our heads were messy and sweaty.

"Oh! I-- Nothing.... It's just really hot in my office!" I lied. I hope she buys it. Oh shit, she wasn't. She's getting suspicious, just like last time.

Ok.... I couldn't help but give in to Chloe's advances. I needed to have sex!

"Strange, it doesn't feel hot. I think you're lying..."

I started to get agitated. Can she just leave and act like nothing happened? Shawn won't and CANNOT find out.

After all, he doesn't suspect a thing now. Let's not change that.

"Oh, whatever. Forget I said anything, i'll get going... Bye Nick! I watched as Karla walk off, I couldn't help but look at her butt jiggling as she walked.

I quickly closed the door and went back to sit down in my chair.

That was close.

"Hey baby. Why don't you just divorce Shawn so we can be together?" Chloe asked, getting up and wrapping her arms around me.

I yanked them off, with a chuckle.

"Us? There is no "us", Chloe. I love Shawn." I scoffed.

"But if you cut ties with Shawn, you and I can have sex whenever you'd like. Why stay with someone who takes you for granted? He doesn't care about your needs." I will not stand here and let her trash-talk my husband.

"You know what, you whore? I don't love you. I never have, never will. Even in high school, you were hard to put up with. You're just something that I needed my dick wrapped around on. Shawn's the one I love. This was all a huge mistake." I ranted.

Chloe grinned, then she was tapping and swiping on her phone. I peered over, confused. What was she grinning about? I heard moaning sounds coming from her phone. Feminine and masculine moans combined. They sound awfully familiar.

I snatched her phone and saw a video of her on my desk bent over, facing towards the camera. She was moaning, then she moved the camera. My face appeared in the frame, eyes shut and moaning also.

My eyes widened in horror. "What the hell Chloe? You recorded us? Why?"

"I wanted some souvenirs." She smiled evily.

"You can't show anyone, please. I'll do anything." She opened her mouth in shock.

"You mean, anything?" There's that evil grin again. "Yes, please. I'll pay you, take you out to eat, ANYTHING." I begged.

"Look who the whore is now since you're willing to do anything I say so I don't rat you out." She laughed, evily. She really is evil, just as evil as she was in high school. Looks like things never changed.

"Okay, truth is that I don't want anything in return-"

I sighed in relief, but this was too easy. She obviously does want something in return.

"I just want you back, Nick. Every single day after graduation, I never stopped hoping that you'll take me back. I know deep down, you feel the same way."

The hell was all this coming from? Ever since graduation, I've never thought of Chloe. Well... yeah, I pictured her rich and famous. But, never her and I getting back together...

"Look, Chloe. Time passed, Shawn is the one I love and married. I should've been understanding when he wanted to wait to have sex again. I used you. I'm sorry."

Chloe took my hand, and held it. "But I'm not. I could give you this every single day, I can give you a family. Why stick with Shawn when he can't give you that? Didn't you tell me he would get all whiny when you bring up starting a family?"

I started to get angry and impatient, "For God's sake, Chloe! I don't love you. I'm sorry, but whatever you thought we had is over. Now, I have to ask you to leave."

I walked over to the door and opened it all the way, hand still on the knob.

Chloe huffed and grabbed her bag, and stormed out. I have to come clean to Shawn or she will.

Do you think Nick will come clean to Shawn about his affairs with Chloe? Poor Shawn, he thought his "perfect" marriage was just that. I apologize for the long awaited next chapter of this story. I was really stuck, there are times where I wished I could've just left this as a oneshot.

But anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter of Bad Things and my other Shawn & Nick stories! XOXO 💋

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