3. little girl

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Once I reach my house, I park my car in the garage, get out, and head inside of my house quickly so I can call Quinn and Oliver. I've known them since my sophomore year. And they knew about my feelings towards my neighbor, Harry Styles. But, they have never seen him nor have I told them his name.

I walk into the kitchen, grab some snacks and head up to my room. After I finished making myself 10 pounds fatter with my after school snacks, I pick up my phone to skype Quinn and Oliver since Apple won't get their shit together to make group facetime.

"Okay. You guys are not ready for what I'm about to tell you." I say once they answer the video call, taking a deep breath in and out.

"BITCH. I am ready. Is this what I think it is going to be??" Oliver says clapping his hands quickly. He takes out something from his back and it's the pride flag. He begins waving it around and dancing even though there's no music playing.

"Wait, what," I pause, laughing. "what do you mean, what do you think I'm gonna tell you?"

"She's not a fucking lesbian, Oliver." Quinn sighs, putting her head in her hands.

"Oh my god, wait, you guys thought I was a lesbian?" My eyes bulge out and I look at the screen in shock.

"You owe me ten dolla dolla bills, bitch!" Quinn giggles, making funny faces as Oliver puts down his pride flag in shame.

"I mean girls are fucking beautiful. There's no doubt about that but I'm not a lesbian. Sorry, Oliver."

He shrugs and smiles at me. "So..what are you gonna tell us, Lils?" Oliver questions, changing the subject.

"Well, do you guys remember when I would talk about my neighbor, like, all the time and how I was in love with him?" I question. Both of them nod their heads and anxiously wait for the reveal.

"Mr. Styles is my neighbor. That's the guy I have been talking to you guys about for the past two years." I spill. Both of their mouths drop and they look at me like I just killed their dog or something.

"Holy shit. Girl, go across the street and get you some weiner right this second." Oliver demands, slamming his hand on the table that he has his laptop on.

"Why didn't you ever tell us that he was our teacher?!" Quinn asks, crossing her arms.

"Okay, one, I didn't even know he was a teacher in the first place and two, I never told you guys his name because I swear, Oliver would internet stalk him and ruin my life." I confess. Oliver bursts out laughing because that is definitely something that he would do.

"Anyway, he told me to see him after class—" I begin to say but then I'm cut off by Quinn.

"Oh my god..did you guys kiss..did he push you up against his desk and say that he missed you and wanted to bend you over his desk?" Quinn says, her dreamy eyes look at me like a dumbass.

"You kinky bitch. You read too much wattpad fanfiction." Oliver comments.

"No..that never happened, Q. But, he told me that I need to try out for track because he noticed that I don't do well in english and those are his only days to tutor. And, before I left he told me that he remembered me." I said, remembering the moment and wanting to relive it over and over again.

"That's wild. I would be dying if I were you and I would run over to his house and place myself in his arms." Oliver says.

"I wish, but he has a girlfriend." I sigh looking through my window to his house.

"Honey, you are a whole ass meal. I know that without even looking at his girlfriend, that you are probably a hundred times hotter than her. You should go over to his house!" Quinn suggests with a bright smile on her face.

"Uh. Guys, I don't know." I rub the back of my neck and then Oliver tells me that I should ask him some questions about track. I ponder it for a moment and then gather up the courage to do it. I tell them my plan and then hang up the phone.

I mentally prepare myself for this. I haven't been over to his house since the day I met him. I slip on my sandals, grab my keys, and head out the door. I cross the street and take deep breaths before I knock on the door.

A tall, slender, brunette opens the door and eyes me. I could tell that she was judging me. I mentally sigh and say hi awkwardly.

"I'm uh, here to see Harry Styles." I manage to say without freaking out.

"Hm. Okay..then," She says, rolling her eyes and turning her head to the inside of the house. "Harry! Some..little girl..is here to see you!" She shouts into the house. My mouth hangs open in shock. That was hella rude!

Harry takes a glance at the door and his eyes widen as he looks at me. Harry then reaches the door, pushing his girlfriend out of the way.

"Well, hello there, little girl." He chuckles.

I am at a loss for words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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