20. Family Feuds

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My thoughts were destroying me.
But the silence was killing me too.

Whoever said time heals the greatest of scars surely never had the deepest of wounds and the never fading scars. You never really forget things and move on; you just lock those wounds and scar in the darkest corner of your heart and move on with your life. There is no such guarantee that you'll never remember those wounds ever again; just one look at the cause of the wounds and you'd be back to square one.

In the case of the Kapoors', their cause lived with them, sat with them, ate with them and talked to them. Nia Kapoor. Although that right time was long forgotten, thanks to Mrs Advik Kapoor, who somehow saved her sister in law from her husband's wrath but the silent grudge, agony, anguish and frustration was never ending. Those jovial family times and conversations either became awkward or had ignorance for Nia.

Sure everything was getting back to normal but that trust was gone; that expectation was gone and that love was now confined in hearts. Nandini could never be Nia's Angel since that day, nor could Nia be a princess and daddy's girl for her brothers and dad respectively. A lot had changed since that day. Four weeks weren't enough to fill all those wounds after all.


She looked back to find maa walking towards her followed by Papa.

Nandini: Good morning maa-papa.

Ram: Good morning bache...

Ram kissed her forehead making her smile before taking his place on the dining table.

Gautami: Good morning mera baccha.

She hugged her lightly before they took their places beside Ram and together they sat conversing about here and there when suddenly Gautami put her hand on Nandini's

Gautami: Nandini... Bacche, you know naa we are going to have some unwanted guests from tomorrow?

Nandini's breath stuck in her throat. Of course she knew which 'unwanted guests' were referred to here. The one who have made her life beautifully hell. Before Nandini could reply anything, Biji came and sat on the other side of Ram and looked at her.

Biji: Of course she knows and she HAS to bear them for she very well knows that Kapoors never fail in their hospitality and she's one of us now. Also, she knows that it's high time she shows THEM that she has COMPLETELY moved on and she's NOT scared of them anymore. She's NOT alone now.

Biji's voice held authority and love for Nandini which obviously didn't go unnoticed by her and she didn't feel bad about it. In fact, she felt wanted, needed, loved for, cared for and secured. She immediately passed the trio her famous Nandini smile which immediately mirrored itself on their faces as well. Nandini sighed in exasperation; of course she was ready to fight and face everyone but not the person she despised the most-her very own father. He was exactly the reason why there were these little parts of her which were unrepairable and still bleeding. She could forgive anyone but him and she knew he didn't deserve it as well.


She looked up and found almost everyone already assembled in the dining area with their sole interest on her. She immediately became conscious and squirmed on her place, tucking back the loose tendril of hair behind her pink, warm ear and biting her lower lip in embarrassment.

Abhi: Where are you lost?

She immediately shook her head in denial and gestured everyone to start. She squeezed her eyes close and dug her teeth harder in her lower lip, almost as if punishing herself for making a fool out of her in front of everyone.

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