Confronting Him

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*Rachels POV* 

I drove straight to Dalton Academy to settle some stuff with Sebastian Smythe. "Smythe!" I yelled as I entered the warblers room.
"Well well Well. Barbara has come and calling for me I wonder what miss princess wants this time." He said causing some of the warblers to laugh. You look around the room glaring at each and everyone of them.
"Sebastian why the hell would you photoshop a picture of my Fiancé?" I asked him pissed off as hell.
"Well you see Barbara, Finn isn't the nicest guy and I think that you should have a nice boy." He said whispering into my ear. 
"Well if you thought that you would be the 'nice boy' then you better go and ask Santa Clause if you have been naughty or nice." I said about to storm out since there was no use.
"Warblers celar out. Me and Rachel need some privacy." I heard him say right before I reached the door.
Once all of the warblers were out of the room I went right up to Sebastian and got in his face. "You better delete your copy of this photo right now before I go and report you to the dean." I said about to walk away.
"Now Barbara you don't come on my turf and tell me what to do." He said while grasping her wrist. "I will only budge on one condition. You go on a date with me." He said which took Rachel back.
"First off I thought that you were gay and second off I would never do that I'm engaged." I said showing him my ring.
"Oh yeah that scumbag that you claim. He doesn't deserve you like I said earlier." He whispered in my ear while standing behind me. "You deserve a real man who is going to treat you like the princess you are." He said while walking around me and stroking my arm.
"Oh really." I said trying to tease something out of him. "And who would be this so called knight in shining armor?" I asked playfully knowing that I had an affect on him by his expression to what I said.
"I knew that you could resist me but to answer your question. I could be your knight in shining armor, but only if you wanted." He said with his hot breath going down my neck.
"Oh could you now." I said turning around so that I could see his face.
"Hell yes I could, now let me show you." He said right before grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him and crash out lips together. I couldn't stop myself from kissing back I heard him groan underneath his breath. "God Rachel I want you so bad." He said against my lips.
I pulled away just enough to ask, "well what's stopping you?" Next thing I knew was that I was in his dorm room with a locked door and a sock on it.

I know this is trash but I'm just trying to catch up on my writing! Please like and comment and send to a friend.:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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