2. Wake up call

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Yami POV
I caressed (y/n) 's beautifully soft (color) skin. The poor (kid/teen/girl/boy) had been asleep for nearly 3 days. They were taking water and small amounts of food so they were getting better.. I didn't know why I was so worried.. Their spirit was weak but it was stronger than when they collapsed.. I had been worrying so much about yugi as well .. He wasn't here. I feared the worst. But I know he is alive.. Just then (y/n) stirred a little. I immediately looked at them from my position on the couch, hoping for her to wake up, when someone entered. I could hear yugi's grandfather speaking with this person. No.. These people. I tried to wake (y/n) in case it was someone looking for them. "Yes come on and have a seat, kids." Said the old man entering the room right as (y/n) sat up..
Your POV

You woke to yami urging you awake. You felt a lot better.. Stronger. But the first thing you saw was the unfamiliar surrounding. It frightened you. Then you noticed an old man leading a small group of teens into the room. 3 of them. "Oh. Your awake!" Said the old man. The three looked at you and at the puzzle around your neck. You were scared. "Gramps, who's this?" Asked a blonde man. "Yeah and why do they have that? It's yugi's!" Said the boy next to the blonde. "Well, I found the young one on the street. Bad shape. So I let them stay so they could regain strength get back where they belong." Said the old man. You were afraid. You held onto the puzzle. Yami sent you feelings of reassurance. "But as for the other question, would you be alright with speaking to us about it?" Finished the old man. You hesitantly nodded yes. "Alright young one. But first we need to get you taken care of. Would you mind waiting with these three?" He said. You shook your head no. "Alright then. I'll be in the other room. " said the old man. The group sat down around the couch, either in a chair or on the floor. You felt scared and uncomfortable.. "It is safe, (y/n). These are yugi's best friends. This is yugi's home. Yugi was not here when we arrived and still is not. But they will surely help us find him. You can trust them." Said yami. You calmed down some and glanced at each one of them. They looked at you with friendly looks. You looked down at then floor. You feintly felt yami placing his gentle hand on your shoulder.
The old man had made you and the three people looking sad breakfast. We all had some. Then the old man sat down and began speaking. "Let us start with a simple question. What is your name, young one?" Asked the old man. You answer, a slight quiver in your voice, "my name is (y/n).. " the blonde spoke up, "Joey. Joey wheeler." He said followed by the other boy, "Tristan" and finally, the girl "Tea." You shivered. "You said you would like to know how I obtained this?" You said, holding the puzzle. They nodded. "I-i.. I am a slave from a secret organization. I do not know their motives or even their name.. But they were horrible and up to no good from things I have heard.. I escaped down the city alleys and when I thought I lost them, I found it on the alley sidewalk with a missing piece. So I put the piece back, picked it up and continued.." You explain. "That is awful!" Said tea. "But it gives me some ideas. Can you give me the puzzle, (y/n)?" Asked Joey. You held the puzzle close to you. Yami didn't not want to be taken from you. You felt it. As if he was saying not to hand him over. But you had a better reason than his. "No. I made a promise to.. Someone.. That I was only to give this to yugi." You said. Yami was surprised by your determination to keep your promise. They almost looked surprised. "Who did you promise, (y/n)?.. " asked Tristan. You thought they would just call you nuts but you answered honestly, with yami's permission of course. "The spirit withing this puzzle. Yami. I promised him." You say. "Well, a promise is a promise, Mr. Mouto.. " said tea. "Hm.. Well, from what you told us, Mr. Muoto, maybe we could just bring (y/n) with us? We can find him and they seem up to it. Well, of course we would prepare first, but I think they can do it!" Said Joey. "Yeah! Great idea, Jo!" Said Tristan. "It is not my choice to make (y/n) go or not." Said the old man. You were confused. They let you join them just like that..? But you had a promise to keep. "I'll go with you." You say. Yami smiled gently.
"This is where I found it.." You said. You lead them to where you found the puzzle. You were paranoid those goons were still here. 'Yami I can't be here I'm going to get caught' you think to yourself. As if he heard you, he replied with "Its alright (y/n). You don't need to be scared. Joey, Tristan, tea, and i will protect you." In his deep, beautiful way of speaking. It didn't help much. You thought heard footsteps and felt like hiding. You threw your hands over your head like someone was about to beat you. "Hey, (y/n) what's the matter??" Said Joey, placing a hand on your shoulder. They tried to make sure you were alright, but you couldn't hear them over the rushing thoughts in your head. They tried to reassured you. It was futile. You swore you saw the shadows of those men from the chase. You blinked and looked around. Somehow you had found yourself stuck in a room full of hawks. Each one staring you down wih sharp eyes. They were waiting. You said nothing but heard your voice cry out as They flew from pearches all around you and surrounded you, feathers flying like your thoughts. You nearly collapsed, when a familliar hand brushed this vision aside. You once again saw the alleys. And the worried faces of Joey, Tristan, and tea. And a tight, strong embrace. Yami. "You are safe, (y/n). They will not get you." He said to you. You calmed. Almost melted.. "(Y/n) can you hear us?" Said Tristan. You could hear them again. That was good. "Y-yes.. I am sorry. I-i haven't really been able to feel safe since I escaped. . I'm not used to being free yet.." You said, not wanting to tell them you were going nuts.. They reassured you. Then you noticed something on the ground. You bent down to look at it. It was a.. A note? Yami felt a surge of hope. You turned it over.
:(Y/n).. :
: I knew you would come back here. I know everything. I want that puzzle. And if you brought those kids with you and if you all value the life of the boy I have in my grasp, you will bring it to me. But my, my.. You have gone a long way. I would make this easy, but where is the fun in that? I'll let you and the boy go if you can get me that puzzle, (y/n). I'll give you 3 days, or he will belong to me. For good.:
:As you should expect, your master:
You were scared. Yami read the note for himself.. "Oh no.. " You felt his strength falter.. "Let me speak with the others. Please, (y/n)." You were surprised he even asked. "Of course you can." You said outloud. "Can what?" Said Tristan. At that moment you again felt the strong embrace envelope you. You loved it. "This is grave news indeed.." We said to the others, "yugi's life is in jeopardy." They looked surprised. "Yami.. Is that you?" Said tea. We nodded. "Yes. But that is not the point. According to this note, yugi will be killed or worse if we do not find him within 3 days. But, (Y/n) must guide us." We said. They exchanged glances. "Where too?" Said Joey. "(Y/n) will lead us. Telling you where is their choice." We said. 'Yami I can't do this I'm scared.. ' you told him. "Yes you can." He said out loud. You felt him relinquish his control. You loved the embrace though.. You lookedbat the others, nodded, and started walking.

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