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Turning back to face the boy, she makes up her mind. Using her foot, Isabelle pushes aside the shards of marble lying between her and the child and begins making her way carefully to him.

"What are you doing? Don't be a fool, Isabella. You'll hurt yourself as well as Rayan. ", Raphaël says in his cold voice behind her.

Oh. Rayan. What a sweet name.

"Rayan, vient. Come."

Rayan looks at her, unsure, his cheeks still wet with his earlier tears of distress.

She stops moving towards him.

He blinks his big blue eyes up at her.
Isabelle gives him a soft smile before moving to him and carefully dropping to a crouch before the boy.
She places her hand on the wall for support, the last thing she wants is to lose her balance, fall and have a long shard of marble slice right up her ass.
In front of Raphaël!

Blinking, to clear the thought, she brings herself back to Rayan.
When she lifts her hand and he flinches, Isabelle first inwardly frowns then feels hot fury burn up within her, but she keeps a cool face before Rayan.

Lord, I swear if anybody has laid a hand on this precious baby I will fucking skin them alive! Then pluck out their toenails and shove them down their throat.

Isabelle swallows, calming herself down. She leans into the boy and he widens his eyes and looks at her strangely. But he doesn't flinch again.
"Hello. ", Isabelle whispers. He looks down at her mouth as she says the word, then brings his eyes back to hers.
"I'm Isabelle.", she continues. He looks  at her silently.
"I need your help, Rayan. All these pieces on the floor are sharp and dangerous and we need to get away from them else they will hurt us, but I'm scared. I need you to help me be strong so the sharp pieces don't hurt us."

Rayan eyes are filled with doubt and confusion. But no more fear.
He tilts his head slightly, thinking it over.

"Will you help me? ", Isabelle whispers, her heart hammering in her chest.

A few seconds go by and she holds her breath, then like a miracle Rayan nods.
With a smile of relief, Isabelle nods back at him before pulling herself up.

Slowly she stretches both her hands out to him and watches in plain amazement as he lifts his arms and allows her to pick him up.

Isabelle settles him gently against her, holding him up with an arm beneath his legs and the other wrapped around his back, securing him against her.
He sits stiffly in her arms, fidgeting a little bit. Isabelle turns and begins to make her way out of the mess on the floor and back towards Raphaël, who is standing there and gaping at her. His mouth slightly open, a frown creasing his forehead in a perfect single line between his eyebrows.

She sends a questioning look at him, but he only purses his lips and looks down. As she approaches, she notices that he gives the boy a strange look of sadness and tenderness, then he turns and makes his way out of the hallway.

His attitude leaves her puzzled. Why in the hickens is Rayan behaving in this manner? And what does Raphaël know about it?
And come to think of it... just who is little Rayan to him?
These logical questions give her purpose as she intends to find logical answers to them.

And she'll be damned if the Mighty Sauvage will dismiss her queries with his assessing Grey eyes and his cold, calm way of speaking which can easily make one feel stupid.
With a silent solemn vow, Isabelle decides to get to the bottom of the matter.

She holds the child closer.
"Why don't we go to the kitchen? ", she asks smiling at Rayan.
He looks back at her and continues to stare at her all the way to the brightly lit kitchen.

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