p r o l o g u e

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[ s a w y e r ]

"I already don't like it." I looked out the car window at the house that we were parked in front of - a two story, dark red brick, black shingled roof house. Two large windows sat on either side of the front door, staring at me like eyes.

Mom looked over her shoulder, rolling her perfectly lined hazel eyes at me. "Saw, you haven't even seen the inside yet, it's beautiful."

"So beautiful you had to rip me away from all my friends and everything I've ever known?"

"Okay." She unclicked her seatbelt and let herself out. "Now you're just being dramatic."

I clearly learned from the best.

"You're gonna love it here, kiddo. I swear." Dad was next to get out, coming around to stand in front of mom who put her hands on his chest and looked up at him, lovingly. The same look they always gave each other. "Your mom and I met in this town, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the story: next door neighbors turned high school sweethearts. You met, fell in love, now here I am. Blah, blah, blah." I waved them off and rolled my eyes. "I liked where we lived before."

"You might not like it right now, but some day you will." He let out a long sigh and then the two of them wandered towards the house, leaving me to sit and sulk in the car.

It wasn't like we were moving somewhere horrible. Leston Falls was a nice place, as well as both of my parents' hometown, and about a week ago, they'd decided to fufill their dream of moving back. I looked at the house next door, the upstairs curtains rustling got my attention but I couldn't see anybody or anything.

Leston Falls was my home now, whether I liked it or not.

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