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  • Dedicated to Paul, who went to soon.

Dear Jake

I miss you! I need you! I can not breath without you.

Its been two months now. Two horribly months filled with pain. I feel like I'm falling, still falling. I feel lost and afraid, all at the same time. I don't know what to do next.

I think about you a lot, when i wake up in the morning and when i fall asleep at night, and hurts. It hurts to think about you, what happened to you, to us. To think of the what ifs, to think of all the  memories and future lost. Gone. Sometimes it even hurts to breath Jake, it hurts to breathe in and out without you , to feel air filling up your lungs when the last thing you felt was nothing.

It hurts to know ill never see you or  hear your voice again. Hear you laugh and see your smile. It hurts so bad Jake and the only one that can stop it is you, the only one that can make this pain go away is you, Jake but that's impossible, which hurts even more.

Its painful Jake to know your gone. I don't think its hit me yet, i think I'm just numb, numb from all the pain I've been through, numb from everything. But that's what I'm afraid of, when it hits me. When it hits be that your gone, not coming back. That your not in Spain or at your dads house. That your not on a trip to a football game or out on your boat.

Your boat. Your probably wondering how she is, your beautiful boat, that you so dearly loved. Sometimes even more then me! Well, your dads fixing her up. She'll be as good as new soon, not that it will make much of a difference, not that you'll be sailing gun's and rose's ever again.

And i know this letter is to no one. I know you'll never read them and see how much i miss you Jake but i'll write them any way. So that one day i can stop writing and stop thinking about you and move on. If that's even possible.

Just remember Jake, memories never die

With all of my love,


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