show and tell

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director ; sabre please stand up and show what you brought today .

sabre : this is a picture of my dad . he died when i was two . i never got to meet him personally .eh thought it was wrong how kids with wings or fins or feathers were mistreated . so he fought for kids with those things to be treated normally . when he was called to fight . my mother got word he died .i miss him a lot .

director : good job sabre

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director : good job sabre . i know how you feel i lost my brother when he joined the military . Andrew your next .

shark : this is my stuffed animal nemo the clownish . he helps me at night when i'm scared .


sabre : give it back Blu !

Blu : no ! 

sabre : i said give it back my dad gave it to me !

Blu : its mine now !

sabre : give it back ! ow!

director : Blu! apologize for biting sabre and give him back his toy chicken .

Blu : no !

director : don't make me call your father .

Blu : no please don't . i'm sorry sabre for biting you and stealing your toy chicken . i hate being the director's son .

director : sabre . let me take you to the nurse's office to get some ice for you arm . Blu when you get home your grounded .


Andrew ; sorry for Blu biting you . he gets jealous a lot .

sabre : its okay . 

director : okay sabre . your mother is coming to pick you up soon i suggest you keep ice on your arm for it to heal . again i'm really sorry for my son biting you . i don't know why he does it . me and his father are trying to figure that out .

sabre : Blu has two dads ?

director : yep . me and Thomas . 

sabre : cool . 

mother : sabre . time to go .

sabre : okay mommy .

director : good bye sabre see you next week .

shark : bye sabre .

sabre : bye bye .


mother : so how was your day .

sabre : it was okay . i got bit by Blu , but he apologized .

mother : thats wonderful he learned to say sorry .

sabre : i also learned Mr. director is married to Thomas .

mother : its amazing your being connected with all these people sabre . i want you to feel safe with them , because eventually i won't be in your life anymore , but that day won't come for a while .

sabre ; mommy . why is there boxes in the living room .

mother : oh . we're moving .

sabre : but i don't want to move .

mother : you'll make plenty new friends at the new place , but we just can't stay here anymore our house is falling apart .

sabre : i want to stay here until i turn six .

mother : thats in a month sabre .

sabre : pwease mommy .

mother : okay then we have to finish moving to the new place .

sabre : okay .

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