The Buffet

130 19 36

There once was a beautiful table filled with the best food and free for everyone to enjoy.

But the party went on very late...

1/4 of the guests were not hungry at all.

1/4 of the guests were too busy doing something else and had no time to eat...

1/4 of the guests were too afraid to try the food cause it looked way too strange and spicy for them...

And the last quarter was complaining that they would have prefered something more simple... like a piece of steak on BBQ.. "Who likes all that spice anyway? It burns you inside! Must be crazy to eat that..."

There were a few isolated cases of people walking up to the buffet to try the food, but since no one else was trying it they quickly dismissed the idea and turned back thinking it must just be horrible...

Perhaps a few cats and dogs came near to steal a bite.

Flies had their share...

But besides that no one came to taste.

The buffet full of delicacies, in the morning had turn sour and was just leftovers good for compost...

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