The Palace of Okar

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Harav was the proud ruler of the Suntusk Clan.  Elegant white silken robes concealed his rotund figure.  An elegant golden headdress was carefully position to avoid his massive fan-like ears.  His tusks were polished to perfection, and bejeweled with piercings and gemstones.

Three individuals stood before the corpulent pachyderm.

The first was a towering feline, orange and black fur stretched across his muscular body.  Even his slightest twitch caused his flesh to ripple in powerful shock waves.  His bronze armor caught the light of the setting sun through a nearby window.

The second figure was related to the first.  The tigress wasn't as tall or muscular as her father, but she was easily more powerful than many.  A necklace of red gemstone dangled from her neck while a bejeweled scimitar dangled from her hip.

The final figure was not feline, but canine.  The fox's fur was blacker than the darkest night anyone could imagine.  Only the tips of his tall ears and the end of his bush tail were a different color, cream...

(Chapter one not yet finished.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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