Clarence Jimenez from Angel of Music

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When they told me a boy was coming in I had to go and grab some new clothes. Do they look alright? Does this skirt make my butt look big? That's good! Okay--so today we have Clarence with his dreamy eyes and dreamy voice and dreamy body. OH and his great personality too. Check him out--his personality I mean--below. He says that his heart is taken though...I'm sure he's just saying that to play hard to get. Who could resist this? *Gestures to self* Hm, anyway, moving on...

And because there's no way you're going to have enough of Clarence: Angel of Music by LadyKnight.

What’s your real, given name?

Clarence Jimenez

What do you like to be called and why?

Just Clarence

How old are you?


How old do you act?

If you compare me with James who acts like a twelve-year-old, I'd say I act like a seventeen-year-old.

Birthday and Zodiac Sign

July 20. Is rooster a Zodiac sign? Oh wait. I mean Cancer.

Does your Zodiac Sign describe you very well?

You mean, do I look and live like a crab?

Describe your personality in five words

I don't describe my personality.

What is your ultimate goal at the moment?

Proving to Juliet that I love her and I'll wait until she is ready

What’s stopping you from getting it?

As I said, she is not yet ready to open up. I think some jerk hurt her before.

Are you single or taken or something else?

Technically, I'm single but my heart is already taken.

Are you in love with anyone at the moment?


1How do you fall in love: instantly, over time or some other way?

I'd say I fell in love instantly because we met in a unique way, but I fell in love even more over time as I get to know her better.

Describe your ideal guy/girl.

She's really really beautiful. She has this emerald eyes that always sparkles, her smile makes you feel blessed that you get to see it, and she is kind, sweet, thoughtful. Then, she has this ethereal voice that makes you think she is an angel. Oh, her name is Juliet.

Who is your closest friend? What are they like?

I have two best friends, James and Simon. James has the loudest personality from the three of us, but he is the most sensitive. Simon is very quiet but dependable.

Who is your worst enemy? Why?

Now that everybody in the school saw Juliet performing, my enemy count went up to hundreds because some guys are sure to pester her from now on. Oh wait, my worst enemy would be the bastard who broke her heart and left it to pieces.

Are you a mommy or daddy’s boy/girl? Why?

Proud Mama's boy. Why? Because I love her to bits.

What was/is your childhood like?

It was fun. I knew music would play a large role in my life since I was a kid.

What do you look like (in short)?

I look like a greek god. *laughs* I dunno much of my looks, I don't spend my time looking in front of a mirror.

What is your best feature? (Physical)

They said my best feature is my hazel eyes because of the way it changes colour with the different lights and emotions.

What is your worst feature? (Physical)

I have no idea.

If you could change one thing about yourself, personality or physical, what would it be?

Nahh, I'm satisfied with what and who I am right now.

What is your strongest sense? How do you use this to your advantage?

Hearing. It made me appreciate the music of life.

What are you the best at?

Playing instruments and composing songs

What are you usually noticed for?

My looks? *grins*

What do you usually get in trouble for (if at all)?

James and more music-related supplies

Describe where you’re living right now.

 I live on a house. A big house with lots of dogs.

Describe your life right now.

Kind of nervous because I finally confessed to Juliet, but ecstatic mostly because I finally let it out and she lowered her walls a bit.

If you could be any animal what would you be?

Huh? Maybe a horse. But no way am I a freaking unicorn

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