Chapter 1: Tough Times

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Finally beginning school! Sure, I wasn't the most perfect ghoul or anything but it doesn't mean I'm bad either! Kindergarten was the start. The place where everyone seemed to bully me. I was frustrated but always kept a happy attitude. Even my teacher could see what was going on, how other monsters would make fun of me because of my hair, my clothes and my voice. My teacher said I had a beautiful voice, but why couldn't I see it? "D-do you really think so?" I asked, tears falling from my eyes. "Yes you do Catty, it'll be great for singing! You should sign up for the talon show!" Mrs. Sleek said to me, showing me a sign up form. "Thank you Mrs. Sleek." I said taking the form and walked to my shelf to pack up for the day. "Hey look! There goes Catty, she's wearing too much pink!!" The boy laughed. "Hey! Pink isn't a bad color! Your just jealous you can't wear it because your not MANLY enough!!" I shouted back at him, then suddenly, he walked away with a scared face. "Hmph. Showed him!" I said waiting outside for my mom to pick me up. I waited. 20 minutes came by. No one was left but me. I sat down, reached into my backpack for my left over cookies and ate all of the rest. A car came down the lane and stopped right in front of me. "Catty! I'm so sorry I was late! I ran out of gas on the way and pulled to the gas station but didn't have enough money! I had to call your dad to bring me a few dollars, but it took him some time I am r-" I ran and hugged her. Who knows what would happen if she never came? "Mommy, why do people hate me?" I asked her while in the back seat. "Catty, people do not hate you! I love you, your dad, the family loves you!" My mom said, "do you want lemonade?" My eyes widened. "Yes!! Gimme gimme!" I yelled in a happy voice laughing. "Aww! Alright. We're almost home. Also, if your dad brings us enough money, we can get you a new doll!" My mom said pulling in the driveway. "Yay!" I cheered as my mom took me out of the car. As she carried me to the house a paper fell out of my bag. "What's this?" My mom asked, reading the paper that said Talon show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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