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Search for Publishers/Users/Hashtags

For publishers, use "!" before the query like: !thepublisher  ,

For users, use "@" before the query like: @theuser ,

For hashtags, use "#" before the query like: #thehashtag .

Become Friends

When you view a user's profile, if you are not friends, you are going to see the "Sent friend request.." text. This texts reveals the friend groups you have when you click on it. By choosing a friend group that you want to add your friend in, your request get sent. If you don't have any group, you can create a new group and choose it.

Send Messages

You can send messages only to your friends. When you type in "To" box, your friends, whose name matches with the text you type in "To" box, apperas below to choose. After choosing you can send  message.

Follow Publishers

If you want to see the latest news about a publisher on your homepage, follow it to get the news. If you want your friends to know about this publisher, then recommend it to your friends.

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