Throw back sunday

19 3 1

Watt pad has seemed to confuse my love of horror and psychological thrillers with my love of yandere romances. Today when I logged on I was met, in my recommendation box, with the ghastly sight of creepypasta romance stories. 

Now creepypasta was unfortunately the first actual fandom I was in until one of my friends introduced me to hetalia three years ago when I realized teen angst was pretty stupid and cringy. I moved away from the fandom trying to forget the how I originally got in. Which oddly enough was through a romance story that popped up in my YouTube recommendations. After listening to a few stories (Most of the ones on YouTube at the time) I finally realized that these weren't some random characters; So listened to their backstories and left the fandom with all of my knowledge on cp,scp, Marble hornets, tribe twelve,Every human Hybrid, and the rest of the slenderverse. I spent the rest of my years ignoring it until today where I was reminded that you will never



This is actually not that big of a deal to me, I just thought it was funny that it caused me to literally throw my laptop off my desk and onto my bed.

PS: This was 229 words long, the most words I've put into this book. So you better find this some what amusing.

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