9. and prays to hear him say I love you

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"I love you." Trent said under his breath one day as he and Marilyn walked out of the studio.

"What?" Marilyn asked, "What did you say?"

"N-nothing." Trent twisted the hem of his shirt in his hand.

"Okay." Marilyn said, and quiet dropped between the two men.

After a few minutes of silence, Trent sat down in the long hallway, leaning his head back against the wall. Marilyn stopped walking, putting his hands on his hips and looking concernedly down at Trent.

"Sit down next to me." Trent said, patting the ground next to him.

"What's wrong love?" Marilyn asked gently.

"Just sit next to me." Trent sighed.

"O-okay." Marilyn sat down slowly, his long legs folding then unfolding as he finally found himself resting with his back against the wall and his knees pointing up with his hands resting on them.

"I said, I love you." Trent said quietly with a brutal intonation, implying that he didn't desire response, "What do you think about that?"

"I... Love you too?" Marilyn said, eyebrows furrowed, "Didn't you know?"

"Why didn't you respond to me the first time?" Trent inquired quietly.

"The last person I told I loved broke my heart." Marilyn said softly.

"And I won't. Don't give me a sob story, when people are hesitant about expressing their love, they can be hesitant about giving it."

"I love you, idiot." Marilyn sighed, "Okay, I love you. I love you very much. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"This sounds like a stale and theatrical conversation." Trent sighed, "One where we're supposed to understand each other better after, or something painfully gay like that."

"You're getting on my last nerve, Reznor." Marilyn leaned forward and pressed and gentle kiss to Trent's mouth, "Forget it, okay? I do love you, really."

"Who broke your heart?" Trent asked.

Marilyn ignored the question, "I just don't want it to happen again."

"Don't leave me and I won't fuck you up." Trent spoke, "Okay?"

"I want you to fuck me up." Marilyn grinned.

"You know full well that wasn't what I was referring to, Brian." Trent sighed, "God, you're insufferable. Let's go for drinks."

Trent's little hand slid into Marilyn's, their fingers intertwining. Marilyn smiled to himself, despite the words unsaid between the two men. Walking as a union, both of them knew that there were so many things to say, so many aspects of their pasts to divulge. Marilyn supposed it was okay to remain on the continuum between friends and lovers a little bit longer. Things would go their own way, and both of them would find out more about each other. There would be more hours to lie together and memorize each other's minds; more time to truly know love.

I want you to fuck me up. Marilyn had meant it as a double entendre. Please pull me along, even if I have to lose you at the end. I would rather hold you close forever and never lose you and never look upon someone else, but if I did lose you, a few days of love would make it forever worthwhile

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