Thorns & Roses

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All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story is owned entirely by andywroteright.

All characters in this story belong to my imagination and are copyrighted.

Any similarities to anything else aren't intended.

Any violation of this story by any source shall result to maximum copyright penalties.

The characters, places and the rest are all my very own and haven't been imitated from any sort of source.

Thank you🖤

Hey y'all lovely people. So it seems that my mind is rushing and flooding with ideas and I can't stop it at all. So this is another book that I wanted to write. I've been reading g many Disney Princess' retelling stories lately. So that is precisely what has inspired me to write this one.

This isn't the basic Cinderella story. It's a modern era Arabic-Persian Cinderella retelling. It doesn't have any connection with the fairytale and is entirely my imagination. Here goes the description.

▪️What if the roles between Beauty & the beast were switched?▪️

Amira Mogadham is the crown princess of Hakimabahr whose fate was decided before she even knew it. Her parents didn't bother telling her that she was supposed to get married to a rich oil merchants son who was 5 years older to her. Although her family was big enough and she had several siblings who could take over the throne, she was the only one her father thought could handle the throne and all the Hakimbahris. Amira believed in love and all she wanted now was to get married to a man of her choice. But can a promise made years ago be severed now? Will her entitled husband give away her hand to another man? A girl's life is twisted. But a crown princess' life cannot be defined. Can true love conquer or is money and fame is the real game?

A Beauty & the Beast and Alladin retelling.

The story takes place in Hakimabahr. And there is a crown princess. Now I am aware that there can't be crown princess' because once a girl is married, she's meant to leave her birth home. But the story description clearly mentions that our Beauty here has her fate decided by her parents before she could even talk. It was done without her will.

Later on, in the story, you'll understand that her taking over the throne wasn't decided until she was old enough. There'll be reasons listed for that too. It's a modern era story and so it cannot be in the actual fairytale text.

Unlike my other books, this will have a different way of being written. Yes, it will be the normal way but in the third person as well as the first person. It's pretty easy to understand and there'll be no complications at all.

Also, bear with me a bit if y'all read Cheaters. I know I'm not doing a great job as a writer there, but I'm going to update that book faster now. It's prolly gonna get over by September since I need to focus on college and my other books too. Also, there'll be no sequel to Cheaters since  the book is long enough.

Anyways, I hope y'all guys are excited for Thorns & Roses. It's going to be a total challenge for me since I am a Roman Catholic and I know little to nothing about this culture. So hey Google! I'm befriending you😂.

Anyways, all love🖤

Thorns & Roses [2020]Where stories live. Discover now