#14 Adventurous

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Girls who are adventurous are the out going type who are not afraid to try new things and have fun with friends.

Guys like a girl who is adventurous. Like guys, girls don't like a guy stay home all day playing video games.

Their can be many adventurous things to do like go to the beach, art walk, park, and them park.


This being adventurous can only be seen by men two ways: an advantage and a challenge. See, for some men, dating an adventurous girl makes it so much easier for them to take these girls out on dates. These girls like the outdoors or they like doing daredevil-ish stunts, or they plainly like doing anything that makes every testosterone-bearing man feel emasculated but still manage to look like they were wearing puffy dresses and stilettos while at it. And for the equally adventurous man, this can only be good and towards their advantage since they would only make dating easier and, well, yes, adventurous. - efx2blogs.com

"I imagine you might be intimidating to some guys, but then again, those probably wouldn't be your type anyway. Generally speaking, most guys LOVE when a girl is into the same sport(s) as they are. It's like hitting the exacta - finding a cool girl who isn't rolling her eyes when you say you want to play basketball or tennis or go for a run.

Here's a little secret: Passion and enthusiam about hobbies or just about anything is extremely attractive to the other sex."- Guacamole (girlsaskguys.com)

"It depends on the guy? Like for me, that would be my dream girl, I want someone who likes to look pretty but doesn't Mind getting her hands dirty and do adventurous things like hiking a mountain but would have to also love animals and nature and be able to at least tolerate my lizards :p I also want a girl who's fun and is just always out to have a great time. She also needs to have an amazing personality :) so yeah there are guys that go for the looks, but I go for the heart and spirit cause that's what really counts." - Jdogamador (girlsaskguys.com)


If your an adventurous girl, find a boyfriend who is also adventurous, this can make life an adventure everyday or take your boyfriend to adventurous dates.

Go on a date that won't be in a restaurant or the movies. Do something beyond like going to a perfect view to see the city lights high above in the distance.

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