16 | Surprised

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16 | Surprised

I was so silent when I opened the door that he didn't even realise that I had entered.

I just stood there for some seconds taking the feeling in, trying to understand what exactly it was. It was intense, yet unclear. It wasn't nice, but I knew it wasn't unpleasant either.

Soon he acknowledged my presence and turned around. I salaamed him, but didn't move from my position near the closed door.

"Adinah! Walekum Assalaam! I was just going to call you to know where you are."

I smiled. If I spoke, I'd have started crying, and I didn't want to talk about what happened downstairs with aunty Husna. I had limited time with him.

His face now showed he'd realised something wasn't right. "Did something happen?"

He looked worried, and I panicked, searching in my head for a reason I could give him.

"I want my gift," I ended up saying, and then internally cringed at my lameness.

He started laughing. "Of course you do. I'm a horrible husband, aren't I?"

"If it turns out to be a disappointing gift after all of this unnecessary mess, yes. Totally."

"I hope it doesn't," he said, reaching to his pocket again.

I watched mutely, thankful I didn't have to tell him what happened downstairs, as he went on to present yet another white envelope.

"Hasan," I said, annoyed, "I swear by Allah if that's another note asking me to go to Hafsa or something I do not possess the Sabr to read it and go searching through this house - "

"Shh! It's your gift. I did tell you your search ends when you see me, didn't I?" I was instantly relieved.

"But," he said, and I nearly groaned. "Before I give it to you, I need you to answer something."

"Okay," I sighed. "Go ahead, ask."

"How fast do you think you can pack for three days and four nights?"

My mouth opened and I stood there staring at his grinning face, unable to utter a word.


He giggled, and then handed me a note. I had a feeling I wouldn't hate this one like the others.

"I'd appreciate it if you express your gratitude in the car or something, though, we're sort of late

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"I'd appreciate it if you express your gratitude in the car or something, though, we're sort of late."

Late? I looked at the wallclock. There were about seven minutes to twelve. His flight was of twelve forty.

"I can't pack that quickly!" I cried, panicked. It was the only thing I could think of.

"Oh, four days, for Allah's sake, Adinah! Just four. I can pack four sets of clothes within two minutes. And so can you!"

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