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It has been three weeks, I'm fifteen now, to be honest not my best birthday ever but, it was something I guess.... I've been allowed into the 1.300 meter mark deep into Abyss, I've found quite a lot more relics in the line between the Forest of Temptation and the First Layer, but, my work has been quite a lot more difficult, not because of the depth, not because of the pressure... The lost of my mom has affected both me and my father quite a lot, many Cave Raiders came to the funeral, my friends, my father's old partners, even some Red Whistles. The Country payed us with more coins to help with the rebuilding of the house, but it was still not very much

I was heading towards Laffi's shop, I had to buy some paint and brushes to paint the house with my father, I offered the idea to distract him and myself from, well, everything happening around us at the moment, I step inside and look around, I found Laffi talking to that girl, Riko.

-Good Morning Laffi- I say with courtesy

-Ah, Yoru, good morning- She smiled at me

I walk towards the counter, I spot two other kids besides Riko, a little kid with white hair, I think his name was Kiyui, but the other one I had never seen him before, he had dark skin like my mom's, he had two red marks under his eyes and another pair of marks above his eyes, these were white and looks like replacement for his eyebrows, his hair was seemingly smooth and he had, a what was it now? A tiara, that was its name was

-I uh, I need some paint brushes and paint, any color you have is fine

-Even pink?- She asked jokingly

-I love pink for your information- I smile weakly, she laughed slightly and nodded

-Let me see what I have around- She says, I nod and wait for her, Riko rushed towards me with eagerness

-Hi YoYo! Hey, how was your trip down to the Forest of Temptation?! Was it fun, dangerous, nerve wracking?!- She asked, shooting questions like arrows

-Hey hey, tone it down will ya, it was... Interesting, I guess

-Only that? Come on, give me some details! Have you seen a Corpse Weeper yet?!

-No, nor do I plan to...

-Ugh, boring... Anyways, Reg, come here!- She called, the kid hurried over and stood besides her, looking up at me, he was just as tall as Riko... His arms were metallic, almost robot looking, maybe he was in an accident?

-Reg, this is Yoru, he's the youngest Blue Whistle in Orth, isn't he awesome?!- She asked, I scratch the back of my head, Reg stared at me from up to bottom, extending his hand towards me

-Pleasure to meet you- He says in a monotone voice, I shake his hand, good God he has a strong grip...

-Yeah yeah, pleasure to meet ya too Reg...- I say disinterested, but trying my best to not sound rude, he nods and looked at me again

-You don't seem so special to me, no offense- He says, just like me, trying to not sound rude, Riko scolds him

-It's fine Riko, most people say that anyways...

-Yeah?! Well that won't be my case, because I'll break your récord, you'll see!

-You wished- I answer and slam my palm on her head, like Jiruo does with his students for when they disobey orders or just misbehave. To stop the commotion, Laffi walked back to the counter holding holding two small cans of green paint and three brushes. I took out ten coins and put them on the counter as I grab my things and stuff them inside a bag, in the bag were also a small bit of food, eggs, fish and some water. I thank her and head towards the exit

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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