Sister Sister

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    Sara Lance loved her younger sister, Laurel Lance, more than anyone in the world. This was a widely known and respected fact amongst the young adult population of Star City. The same was known throughout National City of Alex Danvers and her younger and sunnier Danvers sister, Kara. The issue was that both younger siblings played travel soccer, and both elder siblings were... overly supportive, to say the least.

"You know, Kara is actually pretty cool. I heard she was doing her school's musical as well as co-captaining the team with Lena Luthor this season. I was thinking we might go see the show just to be neighborly and sportsmanlike." Laurel suggested to Sara while they were hanging out in the family room. She was fourteen to Sara's eighteen and relied heavily on her sister to get around.

Sara rolled her eyes. "If you really want to, I can make that happen. Just remember soccer is a competitive sport. We don't do sleepovers with the other guys."

Laurel rolled her eyes at the elder Lance. Their father was never around so she spent the vast majority of her time with Sara. Laurel didn't always get along with her but they were a team in and of themselves. She loved Sara a lot, but oftentimes she wanted to choke the life out of the other girl.

"We'll go then and I will be friends with whomever I would like to be friends with. That's not up to you." Laurel announced. This was something else she had learned from Sara Lance. When Sara saw something she wanted she went for it and had taught her younger sister to do the same. In this instance at least, Sara couldn't fault Laurel. Sara sighed resignedly and let it go. Laurel was right anyway.

"That's my baby girl." Sara placed a hand on top of Laurel's head for a long and heavy moment before heading off to start making dinner.


"You did really well tonight, kiddo." Alex said, patting her younger sister on the back and immediately wiping her hand off on her jeans. "Go take a shower, would you? You're gross."

Kara laughed out loud and jogged up the stairs happily.

"You would never be able to tell her team didn't win if you didn't know, would you?" Eliza Danvers, Alex's mom asked.

"One of my favorite things is her light-heartedness." Jeremiah added, appearing suddenly behind Eliza, his arms sliding around his wife's waist.

"Yeah, I guess I'm intense enough for both of us." Alex chuckled darkly. "She balances me out a little. Will you two be at opening night tomorrow?"

"Oh, was that tomorrow?!" Eliza looked shocked and guilty. "We have that research report due as of Wednesday and we're only about a fourth of the way through. I'm afraid we won't be able to make it."

"Mom!" Alex's eyes went wide with shock and anger. "You know this will crush Kara."

Alex turned on her heel, unwilling to face her parents. She faced the wall in front of her and said. "I don't care if you miss another one of my birthdays or games or if you are too busy to look over my projects, but I do not want you to hurt that girl anymore. She has been through enough in the past year and a half already. I'm really not meaning any disrespect but you are around sparingly enough as is."

Alex breathed heavily to herself to settle her heart before heading up the stairs after her sister. Kara stood at the top with clean clothes and a towel in hand looking crestfallen. Alex took the steps two at a time and wrapped her arms around Kara despite the stink.

"I didn't mean for you to hear any of that. I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Alex murmured into long blonde locks. "You know I'll be there and a bunch of your teammates said they were coming too, right? We don't need them."

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