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So hey guys, i m super sorry for al, the mistakes in the last chapter! It got deleted so i had to rewrite it all and it was rushed. >:( anyway, im in depression mode right now, so i figured it was a good time to write this chapter! Again, super sorry. Xxx Jillian.


I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't. What was going on? Where am I? It sounds like a hospital room.. was someone crying? I could hear sobs, I wanted to comfort who ever it was, but I couldn't move anything, ir speak.. what was happening?

"Mrs. Russell?" I heard a professional voice enter the room.

"Yes, doctor?" It was Blair. Why was she crying?

"I have good news and bad news.." he went on, "the good news is, harry is going to be fine. He has a concussion from hitting his head on the rock when he jumooed nto the water from the boat, but we gave him some strong pain killers to take for the next two weeks regulary, but other than that, and some rest, he should be back to normal in no time. Now for the bad news.. he's not going to be able to perform for abut another month.. he needs to stay here for two more days, but then he needs to rest. He can't do all if that stuff with the band for a while. He also will need someone to take care if him. He's going to be rather dizzy and have major headaches the first few weeks, and that could lead to vomiting. Also, loud noise, such as screaming fans will give him terrible headaches as well. We have informed his management of this, and they were wondering if harry could stay with you u til he was better..?"

What were they talking about? Im not in a band? Who's house would I be staying at? That voice didn't sound like my mum..

"Of course he can. He can stay for as long as he needs too. When do you think he will be waking up?" The mystery woman replied. I couldn't see her,but she sounded beautiful.

"Probably quite soon."

The doctor left, and i drifted back to sleep.


I woke up to someone rubbing my haiR. That could only mean one thing. Harry's awake!

I sat up in my chair, and smiled at him.

"You're up!" I yelled excitedly, not being able to help the huge grin on my face.

"A ah, yeah I am.."

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Uh, I'm alright. But, can i ask you one thing?"

"Of course."

"Who are you?"

No. This couldn't be happening. The doctor said he would be fine! My eyes filled with tears as i ran out of the room to go find the nurse.


Heyyyyy guys. Sorry its so short, chapter nine will probsbe pretty long. Love yaaaa. Xxxxx

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