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Before you begin,please recite Surah Fatiha,Surah Ikhlas three times and the Durud sharif and start reading from your soul...

"In the name of Allah,The Most gracious,The Most Merciful.All Praise be to you for all your limitless,uncomparable creations.Accept our gratitude.our thankfulness from the bottom of our heart,for giving us the best gift possible in this world.For making us Muslims,for showing us your path,the path of righteousness.And,for making us the Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).Convey our dua to his grave,the man who shed gallons of tears for us even before we came to this world.He who did so much for us,prayed day and night for our straight road to Jannah,let him rest in peace,reaward him with the highest and the most supreme position in heaven.

                              Allah Rabbul Al-amin, we thank you,thank you very much for blessing us with this month,the month of Ramadan.For giving clear guidance and the best chance to aim for our goal,our ultimate monomania...Jannah.Allahummaarhamni kasiron.Shower your mercy upon us.We will be forever in debt of you.You are the Greatest,the best,no comparison can reach you.You are up so high,and yet so close,so close to our heart that nothing can be concealed from you.You are the master of miracles.With your blessings,our nation,Muslim nation knows equality ,when the rest of the world knows pride and arrogance.Take us far,far away from the black vapour of arrogance,from the tentacles of Hell.

                            We----of different colourse,families and cultures,societies,from different corners of the globe,each with a different language,virtue,point of view,with diverse shares of sorrows and happiness------have come together to pray to you.To ask forgiveness for the countless mistakes we did,to beg for a second chance and the rahmat so that we do not go astray ever again.Many of us have not perfomed the Hajj yet,please Allah make it possible for us,let us leave this world after visiting the+ most sacred place in this world,Mekkah and Medina.

                It’s easy for us to indulge in your world,night and day because of our Islamic surroundings.But,for some,it’s a challenge every second,an everlasting battle with the society they live in,a fight to perform without any hindrances all the duties you asked.Ya Allah,give them all the strength needed so that no matter what,they,us….can never move away from the path of light.You are the lighthouse for the lost,our closest friend.Everyone has secrets which only you know.Everyone has pains which only you can erase.You know only when is the right time to free us of our burdens,of sorrows and secrets,please do what is best for us.You are the All-knowing.

                  Ya Allah,we thank you again for blessing us with such wonderful parents,adoring siblings,loving relatives.Maybe some of us are deprived of these beautiful relations,but we all know you are never unfair to your believers.Those of us,whose parents have bid goodbye to this world,rest their soul in peace.And,those whose parents are still living,please Allah grant them long,blessed life.Give them all the happiness and comfort in this world and the Hereafter.Whatever we do,Allah please help us to make our parents proud,forgive us for all those times we have hurt them,misbehaved with them,lied to them.You are the Most Merciful.They have done so much for us,give us the ability to serve them atleast half as much.Let us be the reason for their smiles,not the cause for their tears.

                            In this world,where darkness,brutality,ruthlessness rules......we find light from you.Bind us with your eternal light,so that we can never go astray.grant us the wisdom,the Iman,the modesty so that we can make you proud for making mankind your creation par-excellence.So that we can make our Prophet(pbuh) proud.Save us from the scorching hell-fire.Admit us to Jannah,underneath which rivers flow.The House of eternal bliss.Re-unite us with our beloved ones on raised thrones in Jannah.The pain while dying,which even our Prophet(pbuh) felt so intolerable,ya Allah ease that pain for us we can only ask you,beg you.Make us your true believers.The punishment in grave which you talked about,please don't make us go through that punishment.

                         Again,Allah Rabbul Al-amin,thank you for this month of Ramadan.Help us spent everysecond of this sacred month praying to you,asking forgiveness,reading Quran,fasting,restraining ourselves from every bad things in this world.Ya Allah,through this month,make this world a peaceful dwelling place,rinse our sins forever.Multiply our thawabs,good deeds million times.Help us follow your instructions,as precisely as possible.And mostly,help us help others,who are in need...the poor and the orphan.....We are asking this of you together.Grant our prayer.Take us to our final destination,take us to Jannah...And when the last breath leaves our lips,make sure that be La ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulullah...Ameen"

Recite the Durud Sharif again.


Assalamualikum my fellow muslim brothers and sisters.I don't know whether this munajat is exactly what you all ask for to the Almighty Allah,but I know these are the things we all pray for.Since so many of us are reading wattpad.I thought why not write something that will give thawab to whoever is reading this.So please get as many people as you can to read this.Because,munajats true effect comes when the greatest number of people raise their hands together.Let me be honest,I dont know Arabic,except the basic words so I'm sorry if u wanted more arabic lines which I couldn't write.This was my attempt in asking,praying together before that our final day,the Day of Judgement remains secure.....

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