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Fun question: which country are you from?


I looked around for an escape route. I had to find one soon, but it was difficult for me, but Just when I was about to lose hope about finding a way out, I sighted a curtain over the wall in front of me. A window.

I was just starting to walk over to it when the door burst open.

"What are you doing over there?" Ajit asked.

"I...it's none—" I stopped myself before I could talk rudely to him. If I wanted to get out of the hellhole soon, I would have to play nice and then distract them. "- I'm hungry."

"So now you've decided to eat?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, faking a smile and sat back down.

"Alright. I will be right back," he said and turned to leave.

I got up and was about to move towards the window when I saw a phone. Ajit's phone. He must have forgotten he left it there.

Good thing i had Raj's number offhand. I picked the phone up and quickly dialed his number. I waited for him to pick it up but he didn't. I called for the second time and he finally answered.

"Who's —"

"Raj it's me," I said, cutting him off. I had to deliver my message fast before any of them came back in.

The line went silent for approximately 10 seconds.

"Are you there? Raj?" I called.

"It that really you, sunshine?" He asked.

"Please save me. Why haven't you come for me yet?" I cried.

"I...I haven't been myself since you disappeared and we've- where are you right now?" He asked.

"I don't know Raj, I don't know. Please get me out of here soon."

"I will sunshine. It's a promise. Do you know who took you?"

"Yes I do. It's Sam, Sam hired these men to kidnap me. It's all her doing, she is really—"

I didn't realize someone had entered the room, until I saw Ajit coming into the room with a plate of food. I swiftly hid the cellphone behind me.

"What were you doing?" He asked, smiling. I found his behaviour extremely weird. He wasn't like that towards me before. What changed?

"Nothing," I smiled back, nervously. Could he have overheard or seen me with his cellphone talking to Raj. I prayed and hoped not.

"Really?" He smiled wider.

"Really," I answered, fiddling with the hem of my dress.

He came closer to where I was sitting and placed the food carefully in my front. He was supposed to move away after that, but he didn't, which caused a frown to mare my forehead. He snaked an arm around my waist and snatched the phone out of my hold.

"You are really tasting our patience," he stated.

"Am I?" I asked sarcastically. "- I'm glad then."

Momentarily, he closed his eyes to calm himself then reopened them.

"Don't try that again. You are never going to escape from here until the boss says so," he said and left.

I glared at his retreating figure. He was absolutely wrong. I will definitely leave and soon.

I quickly got up and ran to the window I saw before and fortunately for me, the window had no burglary. I picked up a huge plank of wood lying on the floor and started breaking the glass in pieces. I was cautious not to draw unnecessary attention from my abductors.

"Aaahh!" I winched in pain when pieces of glass stuck into my thigh as I climbed over the window. Thick blood started oozing out from the cuts. I winched, but the was bearable for me due to the thought of  finally going back home to my family.

I'm coming home.

My bubbles were bursted when Raghav sighted me.

"Stop there!" He shouted in a commanding voice. I could hear him calling for Ajit, Mr unknown and some other guys as I took to my heels.

I hastened my pace as the men's footsteps neared me.

"Catch her!"

"Stop before I really hurt you."


I didn't pay heed to their words and continued running as fast as my tired legs could carry me, but unfortunately for me, my foot collided with a rock and I fell down. I looked back and saw the kidnappers fast approaching. They were racing behind me in full speed. I gathered the remainder of my strength and got up to continue running, but dizziness suddenly overcame me and I fell back down. I struggled to get up again, but I failed. I couldn't move anymore. I fell weaker by the second and finally passed out.


When I regained consciousness, I was back in the hellhole again. Why did I have to pass out! I almost succeeded in getting away.

"Please just let me—"

Before I could finish pleading with them, Ajit pulled me forward by the hair, glaring at me.

"I warned you, didn't I?" He asked, his voice dripping with venom.

"I...I'm sorry," I choked out a sob. I wasn't sorry at all, I would gladly take the next opportunity I get to regain my freedom.

"It's too late to be sorry now," Raghav fired and Ajit took it as a cue to punch me and he did, right in the stomach.

"Nooooo," I screamed in horror and anguish at the pain and possibility of what might have happened to my baby "-please stop!"

"And why should he? You deserve it," Raghav yelled.

"I'm pregnant!!" I yelled back.

I could see the colour slowly draining from their faces.

"You're pregnant?!"

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