Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"It's okay baby..." Yoongi wiped Jimin's tear away with his thumb as Jimin sniffled before drinking the warm cup of milk. "Why are you forgiving me so quickly? If you cheated on me, I would never," Jimin said as he was about to let out another cry before Yoongi held a tighter grip around his waist, comforting him. 

The two were lying down on the bed. He played with Jimin's hair, comforting him. 

"Forgiving is a great gift a human can give to another. A problem with it that many people give it to those who doesn't deserve it. People who aren't worth forgiving. But you're worth it Jimin. I've been cheated on before and I dumbed that person straight away, because I knew that they didn't deserve my forgiveness. You need to know who deserves your time in this short life. And you are so worth it." 

Jimin put down the glass of milk on the bedside table before turning around to hug Yoongi, burying his face into his chest. "I love you." Yoongi kissed him and whispered the same thing back into his ear. "Let's go out and eat dinner hm?" "But my face is all puffy now." Yoongi smiled before kissing Jimin's cheek. 

"Your face is beautiful. Come on." Jimin took Yoongi's hand, and out the door they went. "What are we getting?" "Traditional Hawaiian food of some sort." Jimin nodded. "You seem to know your way around here quite well." 

"I usually come here for vacations. It's a great place, plus I can rent it for cheap so might as well use it." The two continued with small talk until they found a restaurant that offered tables outside. Which wasn't hard to find at all. Yoongi pulled out a cigarette first thing after they ordered the different kinds of dishes. 

Jimin stared at the tattoos on Yoongi's arms as he waited for time to pass by. "I want another tattoo," Jimin suddenly blurted out. "You do?" He nodded. "Well we can probably find a place after dinner, if you wa-" "No, I want you to do it, and...I want...I-" Jimin wasn't sure if the older would think this was a good idea. But oh what the hell. 

"I want couples tattoos." Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Jimin nodded, straightening his back a bit. "I want your name on the side of my rib," Jimin said, pointing to where he wanted it. somewhere a bit more noticeable than his ankle, but still not quite. "So...I assume I should get your name on my rib too?" 

"If-if you want." Yoongi thought about it for a moment. "Well...I would love my name tattooed on your body so I guess I have to do the same. We'll do it when we're back in Seoul." Jimin squealed, happy with the decision. Jimin learned in and rested his arms on the table. Yoongi got the message and pecked his plump lips. 

"Can I have the rest?" Yoongi nodded before handing the small bit of the cigarette that was left to Jimin. To minutes later and the food was finally in front of them. "Should I have tell you what I did for after the vacation?" Yoongi shook his head. 

"No...I'm glad you already told me early." Jimin nodded, content with the reassurance. "But now..." Yoongi sighed as they finished the food. "Don't think about it anymore...This is the only vacation I get, so let's enjoy it." Jimin agreed to not speak of the incident again, but he was sure as hell going to think about it. Of course he would think about it. 

"Oh by the way, I didn't tell you. Someone from the clinic knew a guy who needed another worker for his bakery, and I talked to him and I got the job!" Yoongi wasn't sure how to feel. They kept walking as Jimin waited for a reaction. 

"You gonna say anything or..." "Yeah, congratulations. It's just...I told you, if you want money you don't have to work for it. I can giv-" "Hyung I've told you this many times. You paid for the clinic, the therapist and my school...That's enough." Yoongi gave a small smile before kissing Jimin. 

"Okay then baby. I won't hold you back from being independent," Yoongi cooed as he ruffled Jimin's hair. "That's exactly what you're doing." "I know, but I can't help it," the older wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist and brought him into his side before kissing his cheek multiple times with loud, wet sounds making Jimin embarrassed. 

They were in public afterall.


Jimin's diary.

"Forgiving is a great gift a human can give to another. A problem with it that many people give it to people who doesn't deserve it. People who aren't worth forgiving. But you're worth it Jimin. I've been cheated on before and I dumbed that person straight away, because I knew that they didn't deserve my forgiveness. You need to know who deserves your time in this life. And you are so worth it." 

I didn't get what Yoongi meant. I didn't see what he saw. I wasn't worth it, I didn't deserve anything, but Yoongi couldn't disagree more. Apparently. I got off to easy, though I know this isn't the end of it. 

I know Yoongi's gonna try and hurt Jae. I'm worth forgiving but Jae certainly isn't, not to Yoongi. I don't think Yoongi and I have ever been so close to each other as we were on this short vacation. Despite me ruining the first two days. 

The only time I got upset was this one night where we were out. I wandered off and Yoongi didn't notice. And then he practically yelled at me for being stupid and thoughtless, but he always yells at me... so what's new? It's not his fault, I just have a habit of being an idiot and not learning from my mistakes. 

I mean, the last time he yelled was this morning when I made a mess in the kitchen and couldn't be bothered to clean it up. And then he forced me to clean it up and then I got pissed afterwards and stole his cigarettes. I planned to smoke them all in one sitting just to annoy him, but I could only get through two. He didn't yell at me for taking them though, he just joined me for the second one. If we ever have kids, I hope they don't learn from my carelessness. 

They would get yelled at a lot by Yoongi then. It's fine though. Sometimes I need an adult to yell at me like any stupid teenager does, I just wish it didn't have to be my boyfriend. But by my mom or my dad, like any other normal person. 

Sometimes I feel like I don't give Yoongi enough acknowledgement. I know it's tough for me, but he spends a lot of time stressing out because of me. Worrying about me. Sometimes he sucks at showing it, but I know he cares. He cares too much. I'm not worth all that. Anyways, I have a new mission to do that could result in me getting yelled at. 

But I just wanted to warn Jae about Yoongi. At least give him a head start to leave town. But Yoongi deleted him in my contacts, and I don't remember his number. Good thing he only deleted my text history...

I still have my recent calls. 


BTS killed it at the BBMAs!!!!! - I stayed up until 6am smh 

But bts is worth it. Worth my sleep. + i didnt have school the day after sooo

Thank you for reading(:

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