Bonus Content #1: Pippa's Official List of Hospital Codes

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* Bonus Content! Here's a little something extra from Pippa's diary -- not published in The Rule of Thirds. 


Code Yellow: Number 1 alert! (As experienced in Room 414.)

Code Brown: Number 2 alert. (Aka, not chocolate. Moving on.)

Code Orange: Super-crush in the area! (Get it? Orange Crush? HA.)

Code Green: Envy-momebnt. (Totally get a Code Green every time I see Dylan talking to Callie. Like, why does she get all the Dyl-love?)

Code Blue: Sad sitch. (Like, seeing the preemie babies in their incubators? Total Code Blue.)

Code Red: Swoon aler! Lip locking! Makeout session! (I can only hope I get a Code Red with McCuter!)

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