13.a quidditch match gone wrong

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  After Halloween with the troll, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hannah and I began a good group of friends. Once you go thought something like that then you kind of stick. It was now November and today was the first quidditch match of the year, the first of Harry's life.

  Hannah, Hermione and I were walking down the hall to the great hall. It was about a hour or so until the match.

"I can't believe you rolled off the bed again last night Hannah." Hermione giggled at my comment.

"I can't help it." Hannah skipped ahead of us little. I shook my head, this girl was crazy. She rolls out of bed like she is actually going somewhere.

We reach the great hall, the tables held the large amount of food it all was does. We all walked over to where Harry and Ron sat. Harry sat in his quidditch robes, watching the food with a look of fear. I walk to his side of the table and sat beside him. He didn't look up from the plate full of food. Ron was even eating a little bit of the food from the plate.

"Harry, you should really eat." We all nodded our heads at Harry. His hand sat on top of Quidditch Through The Ages.

"Ms. Granger is right Potter, your going to need it." The cold voice of Snape scared us all. We all looked at Snape standing above Harry and I. His black eyes made the hair rise on my body. Harry nodded his head at Snape's comment.

"Speak Potter, five points from Gryffindor." Snape turned on his heels and walked away, his black robes following behind him. Snape figure was thrown off by the limp in his leg.

"Why is he limping" Said Harry.

"I have no clue and no cares." Ron nodded his head at Hannah's words, his face full of pudding.

I looked back at my plate and starting putting some food on it. I looked back at Harry, he was watching Snape. I lay my hand on his shoulder, he looked in my eyes. He shook his head and looked back down at his food.

Ron, Hermione, Hannah and I sat in the stands at the quidditch match.

"Are you ready for the match (Y/N)." I nodded my head at Ron's question. There was a loud sound, informing the game was beginning. Harry sat on top of his broom, watching the sky's for the snitch.

"- And there fly's Noah Greyheart with the Quaffle, you know he single ladies."

"JORDAN!" I laughed at Lee's word.

"Sorry professor." He kept going, knowing in jokes here and there.

The match has been going on for a good amount of time. Harry sat up on his broom, he seen the snitch. I laughed Harry fly across the pitch, a small gold ball ahead of him. Then Harry started, falling? He was no longer on his broom.

"What going on." My hands grabbed the stand bars, the hair on my arms standing up.

"Harry one of the best flyer's on the team, why is he falling." I nodded my head with Hannah.

Hermione's eyes scanned the stands. Her eyes stop moving. She pointed at one of the stands. We all slowly turned around. Snape sat in the stand of professor, saying something under his breath.

"Snape cursing Harry's broom." How did Hermione catch on to this stuff?

"What are we going to do." Hermione looked at Ron then to the rest of us. Her eyes light up with a light look of power.

"I got this." She ran down the back of the stand. I really hope she knows what she is doing. I looked back over at Harry, his hands were the only thing on the broom. I looked back over at the professor stand. Snape was still talking under his breath. Then beside Snape comes at reddish color, fire?

Snape looked at the fire and starting putting it out. Hermione always talked about rules, yet she set a professor on fire.

"She's crazy." Hannah nodded her head at Ron's comment.

"She's Hermione."  laughed at the though, I going be telling her kids this story.

I looked back over at Harry, he was back flying on his broom. He hand his arm reached out on the broom, trying to catch the gold ball in front of him. The snitch the drove to the ground, Harry getting very close. He then pulled is broom up, barely above the ground. He then slowly put on leg on the broom, slowly standing up. What the world is he doing? He was tipping, he was going to fall.

Harry foot work was throwing him off, his feet lost connect with the broom. He rolled on the sand under him. He looked sick, like the little food that he ate was going to come up. His mouth open, a small object came out. The stands were dead quiet. Harry held his hand in the air, the golden snitch sat in his hand.

"Harry Potter caught the snitch."


Two chapter one day... I'm like a new person

Anyway I hope you enjoy this story and this chapter

love y'all

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