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-Please give me something valuable, come on!-my frustrated voice was heard on the walls of the Abyss, a thousand two hundred meters and nothing, just junk of little use, that much work to become Blue Whistle and this is what I get...

Oh, right, I haven't introduced myself have I? My name is Yoru Monogata, I'm a fourteen year old teenager, yes that's the right age to be a teenager, okay? Cool. I live in the Western District of Orth, a few miles from the edge of Abyss and I am a Blue Whistle, in other words I can get to the Forest of Temptation and little else. My appearance is something, unusual compared to the rest of the inhabitants of Orth, well, I'm not originally from Orth anyway, my skin is dark, cinnamon color if you want precision, my hair is tied in long black dreadlocks that reach my knees, but I usually wrap them so that they do not interfere with my sight when I am digging, I am quite high for my age, I measure one meter sixty six, people often think that I have sixteen or more, and to add a little bit of charm to my already perfect being, I'm pretty chunky, not to the level of a bodybuilder but, for someone my age I'm pretty sturdy and strong, I'm able to bring several relics from Abyss at same time, of course that has brought several consequences on my back and I usually have sharp pains over there.

My family came to Orth two generations ago looking for money, so I come from a family of pure delvers and traders, so obviously I also became one, and being the son of a Black Whistle puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders , you know? My father, Aletos was at the time a great delver, he brought a lot of money to me and my family, when I was a little tiny dude, instead of bedtime stories or fairy tales, he used to tell me stories of his travels to the Fifth Layer and the mysterious and dangerous creatures that he saw... But it all has to come to an end, doesn't it?There can't be a story without an end. My father and his group were attacked by a Tamaugachi in one of their dives, he survived and was brought to the surface, because of his wounds he can no longer do dives, but the country gives us a salary for his services in the Abyss...My mother never liked the fact that my father went down to the depths of the Abyss, thinking that would he would never go back up again, I had no such worry, I was excited and that was what inspired me to be a Delver, which made my mother worried sick , I don't know if that's why she fell ill...My mother suffers from a strange illness, it's unknown and the cure is yet to be discovered, we only know that her bones are being shredded just by breathing and her kidneys are barely working, she is all day and all night in her bed, she may be like that forever... The money that the country gives us plus the few relics that I get near the second layer are not enough to maintain us, we're poor, there is no other way to say it.

Going back to current time, I looked up, the light of the force field seems to be dimmed, in other words, it's time to go up, and I got almost nothing... Damn it, I take my backpack along with my tools and I hear the whistle of my Moon Whistle, I turn to the sound, I slowly climb the slope with care not to receive the effects of the curse of the Abyss, but being careful is not enough and after two minutes I start to feel nauseous and light headed, in the end I cannot stand it and ended up throwing up my lunch all over the grass.


I pull two pickaxes out of my backpack and nail one on the wall, and the other above it to start climbing. Fifteen minutes later I reached my group and jumped into the Great Gondola, many of my companions are older than I, in fact, they all are, I am the youngest Blue Whistle in history, the minimal age is usually fifteen years old, but being the son of a Black Whistle makes me a special case

-Hey, Yoru, found anything good?

I look at one of my partners and friends, Lule, but shake my head in denial

-Haha, bad luck eh? Me and Destas managed to find some Fourth Grade artifacts today- I just smile and gave them a thumbs up, they chuckle and pat my back

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