Tiberia: War With the Planet Burners Chapter 2 Thawn's Humanity

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If found out why my last source died apparently the virus bomb that struck Earth did get in small doses in her system slowly killing her. However, I have begun to put this story together I know now that my pursuit of him is not a mistake.

My next source is again Zoya Niktina, who still hasn't aged, even though almost all her peers lie dead on the ground. This time she decides to make it a bit more romantic. I find this disturbing given her relationship with Tiberius Thawn, but then I am enchanted perhaps as he was. I figure this might be a big break as well.

Well we didn't see each other after he picked up his position in the 4th fleet. However after the annihilation of your home-world Earth his new position gave him enough authority to get me back on his crew, everyone else from the Cutlass was dead. Under the flag of the Third Fleet I was first officer of the new Dreadnought Class ships. As he christened the ship he named it the UNSS Redemption. I was told by Tiberius himself that the named was picked because this fleet could perhaps be the redemption of humanity.

We were in charge of the of the rescue of all of the Human Refugees from Earth, apparently the Jen'Madte burned Madre Terra and left instead of mopping up the survivors. The bastards soon fixed their mistake. As we almost made it to Terra Nova a large fleet of Jen'Madte Cruisers crossed into realspace we put up a good fight, but two million ships to 100,000 is a huge gap. Than on top of that the Planet Burners targeted primarily civilian ships.

When that annihilation finished we went from 1 billion refugees to less than 10,000. After that fight Tiberius dropped to a knee, he wept. This was the first time he appeared human and the first time I felt love's keen sting.

This is when I take my leave that woman has actually left an impression on my personal psyche. Has she made me feel love's keen sting.

My next source want's to remain unnamed as he is a captured Jen'Madte who survived the war. This Jen'Madte warrior is here to present the humanity of Tiberius Thawn.

I was a fighter pilot, yeah. I was there at the burning of Terra, hell even the mop up. I was shot down there. Tiberius captured me. I was expecting the all out rage that the Fi'O said humans felt exclusively. I was surprised when not only did he not kill or torture me, he actually treated me well. He even defended me in the Imperial High court. I was only sentenced to my existence in this prison. Instead of another more terrible one.

At this a large guard shouts visitation over get the hell out. Incarcerees time for grub.

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