Major gods "powers"

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Zeus- god of the sky.

Poseidon- god of the sea.

Hades- god of the underworld.

Hera- goddess of marriage.

Athena- goddess of wisdom!!! Answer!

Ares- god of war.

Artemis- goddess of the moon and the hunt.

Apollo- god of the sun. (And many more)

Hermes- god is theives, and messenger of the gods.

Dionysus- god of wine and revelry.

Demeter- goddess of agriculture.

Hephaestus- god of fire and the forge.

Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty.


Hey, there was the answer to the first question! here's another.

Q. What started the Trojan war?

This answer won't appear for a while in the book, sorry maybe in, like, 5 chapters, I don't know. vote and follow!


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