Chapter Two

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(His P.O.V.) 

“‘...You’ve got quite the mouth for such a little thing.’ Seriously Niall? That’s the first thing to come out of your mouth? Moron,” I muttered under my breath, mentally kicking myself. 

Sauntering down the quiet hallway, I absentmindedly made my way back toward the stage. I found myself struggling to concentrate on anything other than the face of the girl I’d only just met. It was ingrained in my brain; those warm brown eyes, that teasing smile, and the way her nose crinkled when she giggled. I knew nothing about her, other than her first name, and yet somehow I felt connected to her. 

Everything about her was just one giant mystery after another. I was curious to know if she lived here, near the venue, or if she’d come from somewhere else to see us play. I wondered who she’d come with. Certainly she wasn’t here alone? What was her favorite song? Favorite color? Did she have a favorite movie that could make her laugh no matter what mood she was in? 

But most of all, I couldn’t help but wonder about how small she was. Her height had definitely caught me off guard. I guessed she stood at about four feet tall, but why? That was the part I was curious to know. She was so witty, and quick. She was so ordinary, but in only the most perfect of ways. Beautiful, and almost innocent looking. Although something gave me the impression she was anything but innocent once you got to know her. 

“There you are,” Harry’s voice had called down the hall, startling me from my thoughts, “C’mon mate. We were due back on stage ten minutes ago.” 

The show ended, the confetti flew, and the crowd erupted. 

The second the lights on stage died out I rushed back stage, pushing open the doors to the hallway. I stopped, checking that the coast was clear before continuing down the same hallway I was in only an hour ago. I had just turned the final corner, when a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me back. 

“Are you mad?” Harry whisper-shouted at me, eyes darting back and forth between me and the growing crowd of fans exiting the arena, “what the hell are you thinking?” 

I scrubbed a hand along my tired eyes, shaking my head at myself more than him, as I paced silently back and forth. My mind was racing, thoughts coming in flashes before my eyes. I couldn’t think straight, and it suddenly felt very warm in this dingy hallway. 

Without a single word to Harry, I stormed off in the opposite direction. I shoved open the heavy metal door at the end of the hall, letting the crisp air wash over my sweaty body. I drew in one long, deep breath, allowing the fresh air to fill my lungs before leaning against the brick wall and sliding down until I felt the cement ground. I rested my head in my trembling hands, trying to control myself. Thoughts of this would be stranger were beginning to consume me, and this feeling residing in the pit of my stomach was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. 

 “Are you alright?” Harry’s raspy voice came from the doorway. He slid himself down the wall, sitting next to me on the cold ground. 

“Sorry. I just– I needed some fresh air.” I turned my head in his direction.

His eyebrows furrowed concernedly, “What happened back there?   

“I dunno. I can’t explain this feeling.” I was racking my brain for a way to describe the insanity going on inside my head. No words seemed valid enough.

“It’s this girl,” I muttered finally, kneading my hands together in my lap. 

Harry chuckled, lazily pushing the sweaty hair back off his forehead. “Isn’t it always, mate?”    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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