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Nolan's POV

That girls seemed really nice she must be new cause I've never seen her before she had beautiful hazel brown eyes.

I made my way to my locker and I got a text message from Grayson

'Nolan come to practice '

I didn't want to go to practice cause all I do is sit there and then I get harassed but the jocks, just cause I'm a NERD

I quickly grabbed my things and walled to Grayson and Ethan's practice game


I was sitting there waiting for them to finish and then all of a sudden I get a slight tap on the shoulder and I turn around to see Shanice, she sat next to me and spoke

"Hey Ethan" she smiled the sun hitting one side of her face

"Umm actually-" I was cut off by Grayson yelling out to me
I looked over at I'm and he began to walk up to me

"Hey Nolan you-" he cut him self off by the sight of a beautiful girl

"Hey Nolan, bro who's this" he said staring at her giving her a smirk and small wave

"Umm this is ahh-" I was nervous and then she cut me off

"Wait I thought your name was Ethan and you didn't tell me that you had a brother or twin for that matter" she said a little confused

Then Ethan walked up and stared at Shanice in a good way

"Wait three.......triplets.....I'm confused"

"Oh hey Shanice , I meet you earlier, I'm Ethan, this is Grayson" he said pointing a Grayson not even acknowledging that I was here

"Oh yeah and Nolan"

'Finally ' I thought

"You that wasn't you in Maths" she asked

"Nah I hate Maths, must of been Grayson" Ethan replied

"Does Grayson have glasses too?" She asked

"Must of been Nolan than" he said and they both looked at me

"Oh" she said smiling at me and then the bell rang

She got up from where she was sitting

"Oh wait, umm why do you come hang out this afternoon after school" Ethan asked (cocky of him)

"Ummm " she said not knowing what to say then I got up from my seat getting ready, I have a spare I wasn't that to much in a rush

"I'm umm actually was gonna hang out with Nolan cause he asked and I said yes" she said ...and that just threw my on the spot why

"Why would you want to hang out with him"Grayson asked getting a little defensive

"Cause he's helping me with Maths ....isn't that right Nolan" she said pushing my shoulder a little making me flinch

"Umm yeah sure" I said lifting my glasses closer to my nose

"OK well I have a spare I'll see you after school" she smiled at me and walked off

I smiled back at her I looked at Ethan and Grayson after she walked away

"Hey bro don't forget to talk me up ok" Ethan said hitting my shoulder and then walked the opposite way and Grayson followed him

And I just thought why would a Beautiful LONER want to hang out with a NERD like me ???

Nerd | N.D ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ