* Magic Tricks *

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The team of five had eventually found their way to London and into a safe-house. As the TV newscaster drolled on in the background, Ethan decided to scrounge around in the bible he took from Prague. Laura watched over Ethan's shoulder as he contacted Max via email.

"Did you contact the buyer?" Krieger questioned from the other room to which Ethan ignored even after his name was called by the Frenchman.

Laura simply rolled her eyes as Ethan's name was called again while he typed in a verse from Job into his email. Krieger, eventually, made his way into the room, a glass of alcohol in his hand.

"Ethan," he called. He was greeted with more silence. "Well, excuse me then, Mr. Hunt." Again, not a word was spoken.

This annoyed Krieger enough for him to walk over to Ethan's other side, and shove the Bible off the desk Ethan was working at.

"You're not going to any meeting without me," Krieger informed, pointing at the computer.

Ethan stated back, "My contact is extremely shy."

Krieger gave a light chuckle, "I don't think you're in any position to give orders. Do you?"

Ethan looked back down at the computer before Krieger took the NOC list disc out of his jacket pocket. Claire scolded him, but it didn't seem to faze Ethan, who was now going through a briefcase next to the computer before he pulled out a disc exactly like the one Krieger was holding. Laura just smirked at the pathetic man across from her.

"You mean this?" Ethan asked, holding it up with confidence and a small smile.

Krieger replied, "That's not the list."

"What's the matter you've never seen this trick?" Ethan said as he held the NOC list in between his two hands and rubbed them together before he opened them up and the disc was gone.

Laura continued to smirk since this was her favorite game to play as a child. Ethan looked around as if he actually lost the disc he performed the magic trick with.

"Where'd it go?" Ethan questioned, moving around the room until he came back to Laura behind the desk. "It's gone."

He turned to Laura before looking at Krieger briefly with a smile, pointing at the short-haired brunette woman. Laura held her hands up in surrender as if to say "I don't have it" before Ethan put his hand around her waist, hiding his hand in her jacket. Unsurprisingly, his hand came out between her waist and her jacket with the disc. He held it up with a confident smile, saying, "But not too far."

He shook it in his hand, walking up to Krieger, and smacking the Frenchman's forehead lightly with the disc. "I know what you're thinking, Krieger," Ethan stated, "You're thinking back in the computer room. I was up here, and he was down there."

He walked away before performing yet another sleight of hand, causing the disc to "disappear" out of his hands again.

"I was carrying two discs," Ethan explained, "So hard to keep track of these things."

"Where is it?" Krieger inquired, becoming uneasy suddenly.

Ethan checked his front pants pockets before checking his back pocket and pulling the list out. Claire chuckled as lightly as possible while Laura folded her arms and continued to marvel Ethan's level of intelligence.

"Did you actually think I'd let you have the NOC list?" Ethan said to Krieger.

Instead of responding to the question, Krieger went for, "Try any sleight of hand with my money, I'll cut your throat," before walking away, throwing the disc in his hand into the trash can.

Ethan slowly bent down to pick up the Bible before he looked at it carefully, noticing something. Claire finally spoke up, apologizing for Krieger before saying she was going to get sleep, resting a gentle hand on Ethan's cheek. Once she went to her room, Laura walked past a thinking Ethan, taking the disc out of his hand, and headed to the tiny trash can. Winking at Luther, she picked up the disc Krieger had previously, and dropped the other disc into the trash can, revealing Krieger had the actual list.

"Krieger did have the NOC list?" Luther questioned, looking directly at Ethan, who joined Luther and Laura at Luther's station.

Ethan just nodded as Laura handed the disc to Luther.

"I want you to hold onto it," Ethan announced silently.

"What makes you trust me?"

"Because if you know what you're getting into," Ethan explained, "You never would have done it."

Luther took it from Laura, stating, "I'm not letting this get out in the open."

"Exactly. It's your job tomorrow on the train. Don't let this NOC list get out in the open," Ethan commanded before picking up a phone with a cord attached to it.

"What is the range of that?" Laura questioned Luther.

"It's hard to tell," he responded, "Gonna have to be close."

Claire suddenly opened the door to her room, saying, "Ethan, I need to talk to you."

Laura watched Ethan walk away as Luther began to try sleight of hand tricks with the NOC list that amused her. Moments later, Ethan angrily made his way out, causing Laura to follow him out into the rain.

"Ethan, what happened?" she asked, grabbing his wrist quickly.

He didn't stop, instead he reached back for her hand, closing the gaps between their fingers.

"Kittridge," he simply said, "I need backup."

She nodded in reply as they left the safe-house together. They speed-walked to the train station, and found a payphone for Ethan to call with. He placed money into the machine, and held the phone to his ear.

"I see you've been out visiting the folks," Ethan greeted Kittridge on the other line.

Laura checked the time, knowing Kittridge would try to get Ethan's location.

"Hauling mom off in shackles is an especially nice touch." A pause as Kittridge talked on the other line while Ethan eyed Laura. "Can I ask you something, Kittridge? If you're dealing with someone, who's crushed, stabbed, shot, and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how devastated do you think you're gonna make him by marching mom and uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?"

With that said, Ethan hung up with three seconds left. Laura placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as he leaned inside the payphone area. A man turned around to face Ethan in a beige overcoat and hat before making his way to Ethan. Laura put a hand to her side, ready to pull out her knife in case of attack.

"You're a hard man to catch up with," the older man said weakly before coughing.

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