Tag 8

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So, I'm at school and daring the wrath of evil teachers to write this!  Let's do this!

What's the current TV show you're watching:

Frasier, Supernatural, and Miraculous (Don't judge me!)

What book am I currently reading?

I am Malala

Do you like coffee or tea?


If you could change one thing in your school what would it be?

I would take away Crostini! (You can't watch me now, bitch!)

Would I run for president?

Maybe.  The government is corrupt, so I'd have to be okay with that.

What colors are my room?

Grey, suuuuuper light pink, and white.

What's your aesthetic?

Preppy??  So says June, who's helping me with this.

That's all I can do for today!  At this moment!  The bell's about to ring!  Bye!  Love you all!


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